Odds and Ends

Yup and I’ve even tried to sign the note left to just have them leave on porch, I have cameras but they never do it, they just leave another note saying they missed me.

Here is an odds and end for you… I ordered a “past comic con exclusive box” from The comic mint. It was a box of 10 former con exclusives and they were charging $24.97 plus $12 shipping putting each exclusive at under $4 each. Not a bad buy in. Got the box today and was doing an unboxing video. Opened the box. Started going through it. Not one exclusive. Some 1:10 variants, a couple of 1:25, and a 1:50 all not really selling for much, but not one exclusive. I hit them up about this because I wasn’t looking to get a box of random ratio variants. I always seem to get screwed over on these kind of things.


Damn. No sooner did I send the email and post this then I got an email response saying keep the ratios and they will send me the correct box. Now works out to less than $2 a book.


I can’t recall having a bad experience with CM myself personally. My beef was when they were buying up chunks of hot exclusives from other stores, essentially making them even more limited, then reposting them in their site not a few days later for double or more. Wonder if they still do that.


It worked out well then! It’s good to have a happy story!

I have zero… zero tolerance for this from a store.
Which is why they are #1 on my despicable retailer list.

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Frankie’s takes the #1 despicable in my book.
The posts from their owner even seem to revel in the fact they can use bankruptcy to screw everyone over. All the whole continuing to do business.
Sickening…just sickening that the system allowed them to take advantage of so many. Wasn’t even impacted personally but I hate stuff like that. Blood boils…


Yep. Frankies is up there.
For me, the only difference is I know my enemy with Frankies and they have nothing I want; and no reason to purchase anything from them.
So I would never buy from them.

Comic Mint had books I wanted from … I think it was Gleason? I don’t remember.
And after Gleason would put them up for sale and sell out in seconds, magically Comic Mint would have them for sale the next day; and lots of them. That little extra of “I wanted the book” puts them over Frankies for me, for that reason. I dont like snakes; but can handle F-nuts


I have ordered from Frankies in the past but after how they have gone about screwing customers right and left even if they survive their bankruptcy, I will never buy from them again. Done with them.


I got this email from Unknown, I don’t know, this customer review seems fake to me.


Totally fake. Nobody says weird stuff like that.



Quality of what? Their comic mailer?


I feel bad for anyone named “CUSTOMER”… those parents should be smacked around a bit!

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Decided to set up at a small Convention that is close to me this weekend. Easy in/out, free admission, at a place that has good traffic even without a con.
I’ll report out. I don’t have super high hopes as the UAW strike is impacting my area.
I priced things very fairly and also have a “buy 3 get one” &:even included Graded books in the deal
Meticulously went over sold listings for everything over the $5 range and priced under.
Fingers crossed I at least come home with less than what I bring & invested (60 for the booth/table).
Bringing a decent assortment of toys as well.


Another random thought…
This book has forever made me paranoid :sweat_smile:
Especially today…


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Just don’t use old flip phone tec and you’ll be fine.

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Tempting to become a flip phone flipper…flipphonesheatingup.net


Read Surveillance Capitalism and you’ll want to go off grid more than likely… unplug and live off the land!

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Wow, that was annoying.

Got my attention though.