Odds and Ends

Christ. That alarm that went off damn near made me deaf.


Woke up my napping son. It was annoying.

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I got the message 3 times on the same phone and the 1st and 3rd time were in espanol

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I have been in a lot of movies. Both credited and uncredited. This, however, is my all time favorite movie credit.

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I just went to Olive Garden today for that never-ending pasta :blush:

I’m Italian background and have lived in neighborhoods with fantastic Italian restaurants (outskirts of NYC)
Bronx and Manhattan Little Italy’s were frequent as well.

Traveled out to the mid-west with business partners years ago that lived in the mid-west and was invited to authentic italian food. This was before Olive Garden was well known and was franchising.

It was the 1st time and the last time for THAT authentic Italian food. OMG… I’d rather have Chef Boyardee :face_vomiting:

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Too young.


Very sad news. His Run on the 1980’s Justice League was just awesome!

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DAMN ! Thats terrible.

Those of you at Comic Con this weekend…please be vigilant. (Or any big gathering out in public to be honest)

I know…I know…its just the Marine in me/PTSD paranoia a bit but please be safe…a bit more focused on your environment.


just saw these listed on Previews. Seems …kind of interesting…with a chance at a signature

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I would have jumped on that sooooooooo fast !!!

It’s a lot of work…the owner obviously knew who to talk to…went right to an expert in Doloreans. Someone who will give it the resto it deserves.


I appreciate physical DVDs and CDs so that’s a bummer to see about Best Buy.


I’m always shocked at places that still sell CDs. Vinyl is probably more popular right now.

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I’m that weirdo who really likes cassette tapes.