I’m not sure how you pull this actual sold price info up, but what did these two DOT NYCC books sell for? So many listed for $120 ish…hard to believe these sold in the last 24 hrs for $25 more than others…
There’s a website I believe. McClay or stein mentioned it some months back
I believe that Ebay’s own Terapeak does the job, as well?
I hope so, because I’ve been using it.
I have read the issue and it’s excellent. I’ll be picking up the rest of the series. It’s twisted but fun that the serial killer is a cute cuddly teddy bear.
Re: KCC it would help if they actually read the comic so they would have a better informed opinion about the title before putting out a blurb like that. They say they’re unclear why it’s heating up, maybe find out why? What an awful app.
Sounds like KCC is salty they don’t have a bunch of copies…
Key Collector seems to love putting that little blurb on stuff he missed, didn’t get get fed from one of the other folks in the same boat etc, late to the party, etc.
In my area, the book just wasn’t ordered outside of a few copies (one shop only ordered pull list copies).
I do find it particularly odd (and disturbing) to place an opinion in a place where a fact belongs.
They do that every so often and it is annoying
I should post my personal thoughts on the spec potential of this book having read it. I’ll try to do it spoiler free. Firstly I would not hold out on this book having any option or movie potential. It’s not an original concept having anthropomorphic killers running loose causing havoc. I have not seen the tv series Dexter but as I understand it, Dexter would only kill his victims if they deserved it. Samantha the serial killer teddy bear doesn’t really have any redeeming qualities about her as she kills innocents for fun.
Any spec it will have will have to come from reader buzz. This title was not heavily ordered in my area and I couldn’t find any copies last week. I was able to snag 2 copies from a game store that barely sells any comics. Unbelievably they had 2, so I picked those up. It was a ghost at the shops in my area a day or two after release. It wasn’t heavily ordered but usually they would have a few copies of any new indie titles. This was before it heated up this week, weird.
I’m interested to see where this series goes. I think people really liked the first issue and the beautiful watercolor art. Hopefully it does well as I like that IDW is moving towards original creator owned series. I never paid much attention to IDW before when they were putting out nothing but licensed property books.
These were the fun indie titles that got me back into comics years ago.
It really seems like it’s going to turn into a Dexter rip-off based on how Issue #1 ended. Hopefully, that won’t happen, but that’s where it’s leading.
I was in a lcs yesterday and
store priced a book x and guy says "but keycollector says its only worth y
my immediate thought to myself go buy it from key collector
I guess it’s fun to have a book generating a little buzz. Feels as though it’s been a relatively long time since that happened. KCC’s (newest) goof has, somewhat ironically, been a positive occurrence. I haven’t read the book so I can’t opine on its originality, but let’s see what happens.
They didn’t load up to offload themselves, so they must warn others cause they missed out on flipping them. That’s probably why…
This is the ridiculousness of KCC. Putting out a list of “Hot 10 runners up” and the only “criteria” for making the list is one high sale. And that sale doesn’t have to even be the highest sale ever for a book. It can just be one sale that was 5% over the average sales the past 6 months. Or just a sale of a book that hasn’t come to market in a long time.
Not what I’d call a “hot” book, for sure.
White Bag - Death of Superman era
Wildcats #1
Turok #1
- Three books off the top of my head that I can’t throw a rock without hitting at any convention, any comic shop, any flea market, any garage sale w/ comics, or any garage sale even WITHOUT comics. You couldn’t give me these books without me turning around and donating them to the garbage can
Then CGC puts that scam 9.9 on one of those books and people fall for it. Pretty darn sad, but thank god folks are out there still to sell nonsense to.
Only 2 9.9s on the census…
Who sends turok #1 to get graded??
go to ebay
search cgc 9.8
you will be stunned at the crap people send in to get graded