Oh That KCC…

I have thought about it that’s for sure.


ComicTom is what you call a “bullshit artist”


Anyone who listens to him for collecting/speculating advice is simply a gullible amateur.


God the picture on the video is perfect.


I sometimes like watching Tom’s content, but I really can’t tolerate the top lists anymore. I remember years ago when they mentioned Goldballs on the show and that book spiked a lot. That one made me shake my head in disbelief. They just have a lot of watchers and people get FOMO very easily. It’s not good for your health or your wallet to live in that world, especially every week.

I’ve watched their live auctions in the past with Jeff, but it is impossible for me to buy anything because they sell the books for well over the value. Too many people blind bid.

I don’t mind Tom because he seems he seems like he has a good heart, and he always takes care of his friends. But I also have to remind myself that it is his job to look generous in his videos. His objective is always going to be to take care of his business and reputation first and foremost. Is there anything wrong with that? I don’t think so…it’s what he does to earn money.

Maybe the issue is that he just needs to be more mindful about manipulation, and play both sides of the argument so that it doesn’t seem he is one-sided? I don’t ever sell any books, but the manipulation hurts me when I’m trying to complete some series and I have to wait for the hype to die down. I’ve had to wait years for some books to get back to my price range.

Have any of you ever seen Tommy (1975, The Who)? You could say that Tommy is Tom and he has his cult and followers, but our community is the group singing “we’re not gonna take it.”. :rofl:


Are his top 10 videos still just rehashing what KCC puts out each week, which is 99% garbage (mostly because a good percentage of what KCC lists as top 10 came from Nicks Picks days before)?

Aside from I find him overly dramatic, I didn’t see the point in listening to information that was already out there on an app.

I think Covrprice is a lot more legit, however their data is based on actual collection of sales the prior week…so if you’re using the list to spec on books you’re a week late to the game…but at least Covrprice offers a useable service.


100% there is nothing wrong with saying look at this book and then people get FOMO. There is no controlling that. It has happened with me on books I spotlighted in the past. Never the intention of it spiking in price but just a look at this. Venom Vs Rune is one example. I slipped it into a Blind Adam hidden gems as first winged Venom. It blew up pretty good. But I wasn’t trying to manipulate the market in anyway and didn’t sell any copies. My problem with the videos is more the way he acts. Not a dig on him but I cannot stand the overly animated style and the “comic fam” gen z key words.


Hi cat is cute. That’s about the best I can say

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Comic Tom is a moron!



I don’t think I’ve ever made a goofy face like that in my entire life for any reason. I don’t know how he does it every 10 seconds in his videos.


He will be single and unmarried for the rest of his life


He has a gf shes on his whatnot streams and social media posts.
Anyways dude hypes up every book like its the next coming of christ and people take that as it means its good spec. Thats just the used car salesmen in him


For real? I really thought different.I don’t mean that as disrespect, but I thought he was gay.


No, he had to go back to being straight. No gay man would date or be with that clown face!

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is nick on scouts payroll?

Why do you ask?

latest nics pics

I saw, yeah a press release went out saying that those two books had been optioned.

There is a story I would love to tell but would have to do it in the lounge or more in private so it isn’t just out there.

Lots of connections all over. I know a lot of dirt on a lot of people and have always kept my mouth shut.