Oh That KCC…

share it on the regulars forum Anthony

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I don’t like the toxicity and hate either.

I love CHU because feedback from the team here is typically appropriate and usually accurate.
Give kudos to those businesses and comics that deserve it. Give the good feedback.
And share the painful, frustrating, and scammy things that occur as well.

Unfortunately, the rallying cry for everything that deserves to have critical opinions is “hate” and “toxic”.
Well - I want to know so that I don’t make the same mistake and erroneously buy into something and waste my money when someone else has had a negative experience previously.

If you’re buying stuff Comic Tom is pushing on his YouTube channel, then you’ve already paid more than you should, and people should know this.


The truth is any time you are buying anything on any top ten list or YouTube video it’s too late. For me that is a time to list and sell.


Absolutely :100:

And let’s not forget those Mystery boxes. Now THOSE are definitely worth it and definitely worth the accolades :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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Yup. You have to already have the stuff or at least have on order

Critical opinions are perfectly fine, but it can and has become bullying, which I don’t think is good.

Throw “bullying” in with those words.

I’m not sure how this can be considered bullying. It seems like a significant portion of the population can’t handle critiques of themselves and others (themselves especially).

Some are even coming up with less offensive words for pedophiles (i.e. minor-attracted people) so the pedos don’t get offended.


It is bullying, and if that is tollerated here, I will continue to ignore those posts.

Constructive criticism includes opinions and can be negative, but is meant to help the person change their ways.

Bullying is when you start to use personal insults.

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Where did you come up with your definition of bullying?

@ComicSpec it’s OK that we have different opinions on the matter.

I’m just questioning your use of the word “bullying”. It does tend to get thrown around a lot these days. It’s a word that invokes a lot of negative connotations with people. I just think we should reserve that word for its proper usage.

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Is it acceptable to bully CGC into making better tamper evident cases? :crazy_face: :rofl:

Yes, I’m (half) kidding


@ComicSpec You’re right, it is exhausting in today’s world. Everything is becoming more censored. I just think we should be civil when giving opinions.

If you are serious about how I view my definition, I would google search anonymity and it’s relationship to cyberbullying, or the psychology of cyberbullying.

Please don’t misunderstand me, I believe Tom needs some of the criticism in this post. His videos can harm people because the top 10 is addicting like gambling. He should have a disclaimer before his videos, or at least balance his views better.

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I don’t even follow the key collector or cbsi hot lists. They basically go Nicks Hot picks >>> Key collector hot 20 , cbsi hot 10 and then comic tom makes a video of those same books anyways. People are better off getting into their own spec

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I want to state that my saying “I thought he was gay” was not meant to be a derogatory comment about him. It was my opinion based on his mannerisms, facial expression, and way he speaks that it was what I thought. If anyone was upset, I most certainly do apologize, it was a comment based on someone saying he had a girlfriend.


Let’s move on. No need for infighting over the likes of ComicTom and KC. Bashing Tom and Nick should be highly encouraged :grin:


I remember when bullying was getting your ass kicked. Now it’s all about someone’s feelings being hurt by words. You younger folks wouldn’t have lasted a day when I was growing up and it’s actual real bullying.


Me and my friends use to run around the neighborhood shooting each other with our BB guns and fighting with sticks for fun…


We had rock fights - yes throwing giant rocks at each other from behind a wall. Talk about stupid with a capital S