Anthony, I had no problem with that at all. It just got out of hand after that. I appreciate you owning it up and setting the example for the rest of us, thank you!
We had dirt clod battles. There used to be big mounds of dirt with these dirt clods where they were building our neighborhood as a kid. We used to throw them at each other and play king of the hill. You would always hear “that had a rock in it”
I really don’t want people to take it the wrong way so have no problem clarifying.
You younger folks wouldn’t have lasted a day when I was growing up and it’s actual real bullying.
Lol! I know that you are right. Some of you got a paddle or belt from the principal at school, and that is light considering the stories I’ve heard from my uncles and grandparents. Discipline in times of old would be considered physical abuse and criminal in the modern world.
Ha. I was the last kid paddled at Grasonville Elementary school.
Yes, but wasn’t it fun?! I preferred snowball fights.
Never got the belt or ruler but my freshman social studies teacher slapped me
My friend Justin used to live close to the bay there were cliffs close to there. We would go down to the cliffs and jump off. We also had the squirt guns that were battery operated and stung when you got shot. They looked like real guns too. None of that orange tips.
A neighbor of mine used to throw rocks and his dog (golden retriever) would catch them out of the air. One day he hit me with one in the forehead…blood everywhere …still have the scar. Another friend witnessed it and he said he aimed it at me.
Another time he pushed a tree and it fell on me…hit me in the head…fortunately it wasn’t a large tree and was rotted hollow….didnt even feel it…scared the hell out of me though.
If I didn’t know better, I think he wanted to kill me.
Once in 5th grade I was walking back to class and a friend of mine (in another class) was playing a game on a computer, which was out in the hall. This was back in 1985 maybe…and the school had Apple 2e’s and you could play these roll playing monochrom adventures with little to no graphics…I think the game was called Secret Agent. Anyway, I stopped for a minute to see what my friend was doing…when suddenly a teacher picked me up from behind, carried me into the class in front of everyone…held me up above his head and yelled something at me at the top of his lungs that I do not remember I was so terrified (and embarrassed).
And I was an A+ student…never got in trouble…I have no idea what got into him and why he chose me to take it out on.
Didn’t tell my family or anyone. Everyone kept quiet.
Oh man. Last story I promise. When I was a kid we stayed in an apartment while our house was being built. I was young and took the trash down with my older brother. The dumpsters back then had metal lids. The neighbor kid shut the lid on my thumb and cut my thumb off.
You win.
I plead the 5th on most of the stories as a kid. I was horrible along with my older step-brother. We did a lot of stupid things, lots of illegal things… so yeah, nope, nope, nope! Sorry, they’re going to the grave with me.
If anyone thinks this forum is toxic I chuckle. We’ve had occasional rough moments but we’re angelic compared to some subReddits.
Since we’re sharing stories from our childhood, I should share mine. I haven’t told this story to anyone except a few members of my family. So this was when I was 8 or 9 years old, back in the day before the internet and cells phones. A time when the world was a much simpler place. I had a good childhood growing up and had lots of fun hanging out with my friends. We were outdoors a lot playing sports getting into trouble etc.
So one summer my best friend asked me to go hang out at this guy’s house. He’s an English teacher in his 40s. English was a second language to us but by 8 years old we were already fluent in English. But whatever, we get there and he lives in the basement of this woman’s house. We see another friend from our school already there. I got to meet him and things were going well.
Later in the night the woman knocked on his door and brought us some dinner. Very friendly lady. He asked us if we wanted to stay for dinner. My friends said yes. I would stay too but first I needed to call my parents to let them know I wasn’t coming home for dinner. So I go to his phone and got on the floor and starting calling my parents on his rotary home phone lol.
As I was calling the number I felt there was something behind me. I turned back and there he was. He was standing behind me with a little black book with a pen on his hand, he was writing down my phone number as I was calling. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I’m feeling something was off but I didn’t know what. More on this little black book later.
That night I told my best friend about it and he brushed it off. Something didn’t seem right still to me. Anyways that summer we would occasionally hang out at the guy’s place sometimes. He would show us some cool things like how to ride his motorcycle. He would put us on his motorcycle in the back yard and he would ride on the back. He would also take us shopping and during one trip I noticed he put my friend up on the escalator rail as we’re riding down and gently “pat” him on the butt all the way down.
So fast forward a few weeks. He asked us to go with him on a field trip to a national park for a few days.
This was Algonquin park up here in Canada. There would be a bunch of other kids there and he’ll be the only adult supervisor. I did not end up going but my best friend did. He had to get his parent’s permission. I remember him telling me the story. He begged his parents to let him go but they didn’t know who this guy was so they asked the guy to see his driver’s license and took down his information. They then let their son go.
So this trip goes by and then a few weeks later my best friend told me that there was an “incident” at the park and that the guy was being investigated by the cops. My friend told me that the cops came to his house and interviewed him. So apparently this guy was a pedophile and the cops wanted to talk to all the kids that he was around. They started with the names on his “little black book” I know that my number was definitely on the book and during that week I was waiting for the cops to come and interview me. My parents would’ve been LIVID! lol but somehow they never came.
My best friend and I never saw that school friend that was there that night with us. We never saw him around and we never talked about it much afterwards.
Damn creepy. That was the 80’s/90’s for you though. You want to take my kid, sure, let me see your possibly fake license and have a good time. Glad you were ok though.
What is your first language?
Yeah the 80s and 90s were something else, almost feel like we on a whole different world. Makes you wonder what we were thinking. My best friend bragged to me about how smart his parents were for taking down the guy’s information afterward because he said nothing happened to him. Yeah thinking back we could’ve gotten into a whole lot of trouble.
My native language is Cantonese.
That’s awful. I’m glad you weren’t first-hand affected, but sad for those who were.
That is quite the key fact as well. Doesn’t get more factual and key than that!