Oh That KCC…

I mentioned that in the monthly catalog post

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Also feel this is incorrect

“Possible” 1st appearance? WTF is that?

How ‘bout Possible dollar bin fodder!


Is Monte the sidekick for Doctor Strange?

Also, no group called Symbiote Squad in Venom, one called SCAR, and a ridiculous other team not called Symbiote Squad…

I’m “possibly” Taylor Swift

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Who charges money for an app that frequently makes guesses, and are often wrong on the guesses?

People don’t know this but the World Weekly news was sometimes correct too, often reporting something from the past, but they made their money off pure, wild, speculation.


I miss Bat Boy.


This is incorrect, where is KCC getting their info from?

His giant eyes see in the dark.

And his ears are better than radar.

…say “Scientists”…

People tell them stuff. Can say that there are two groups that show up in venom. One is called SCAR which is an acronym but pretty sure it doesn’t stand for Symbiote Squad. Unless they are Robbie, Luke Cage, and Rick Jones as the Symbiote Squad. Same with the New Champions book. Their “possible first appearances” were wron, they weren’t there. Also first team appearance of Cult of Hera, we saw the Blood Brothers and a group of unnamed zombie Vikings. At the end we see a bunch of kid superhero’s fighting the zombies, but no named team called the Cult of Hera.

But once again after their keys of the week are proven wrong they just change it based off the spoilers posted

Hieronymus Hale had a cameo in #4 and the entire story was about him in #5.

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Shall we play a game?

Need to see how long it takes them to post Sabretooth The Dead Don’t Talk #3 on their picks of the week. They have clearly missed a cool new character called Dragonfire appears, possible 1900’s Iron Fist, not currently listed in their keys at the time I have posted the picks of the week.

Screenshot taken earlier but still not listed at 11:48 when I posted the picks of the week post.


She appeared in #2… last page cameo? She is named and does kill some dudes though.

Full and cover appearance this time around.
