Oh That KCC…

Perhaps they can just source their material like responsible people do. It’s not hard, I do it all the time. I see this every week though.


I don’t think I should have to reach out, it is called integrity. Shit, when they first started out I gladly helped and wrote stuff for them. Plus, very easy for them to deny or simply say “oh my friend Bob told me about it”

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If someone pays for the app, can they look and see if they posted the spoiler image as well?

Checked the deadpool on the keys of the week thing. Doesn’t have any images besides the covers

thanks @LoveBox

Before spoilers

After spoilers

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And just to play devils advocate, is it possible they got the information from their own sources? Yes.

But it just seems too highly coincidental that week in and week out KCC updates almost within a 15-45 minute time after the spoilers go up on CHU. :thinking:



Sorry, couldn’t resist @Anthony

Please don’t take my bucket away!


Hope you guys realize the High Republic movie rumor is bogus.

This is where Krap Kollector got his “info” - What Time Period Will the Next Star Wars Film Take Place? - Cinelinx | Movies. Games. Geek Culture.


I know one of the guys that sourced info to them. He worked for them up until August. He said clearly that the people they have working for them be in forums, FB, store owner groups people that get advanced PDFs etc give them info. He quit because they picked n choose who to highlight and give props too.

Like the Venom Spoiler. I got that photo before work at like 7pm from The Drunken Chat group txt I’m in with those guys. So unless you sent it to Mel @Anthony it was circulating around that time behind the scenes anyway. Then Mel hit us with the Deadpool drop so we could order copies before news broke. I missed out because I was working at that time. Didn’t see till break at 1am.


I can 100% tell you Mel got the Deadpool info from me as he was texting me about the 1:25 covers at Midtown. The Venom he didn’t get from me though.

However, and still, very suspect that before our spoilers it appears one way and then shortly after the spoilers it appears another way.


That would detract from the image they are trying to convey that THEY are the one stop source. They are beta-cucks and will lie, cheat, and steal to keep their image alive. If they openly say that they’re repeatedly getting their info from another source why would anyone stick around?

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We source our news if found from other sites. I don’t see why they can’t, it’s not going to take away from their subscribers or readers. Plus they seem to source others, like Twitter and other sites, why not CHU? Sourcing where you got your information is not going to detract I think from your services.


They only source from their partners I’m sure

Because you aren’t beta-cucks? You’re honorable?

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I’d swap honorable with something like… ethical perhaps…

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:100: agree on Mel. That sucks regardless who they pull from theh don’t give credit.

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They will never give credit to CHU… And here is my reason why (at least I think lol). If they where to give credit to CHU, people would start to search for CHU and see that the info is FREE! and everyone has a point of view and opinions. KCC would start to lose subscribers and they would loose money. I dought they wanna loose money? Just my take on this situation…


My thoughts exactly.

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Sometimes you find your doom when you choose to ignore competition. My opinion is that it is better to embrace the competition while continuing to focus on what you do well. There’s enough room for everyone. Competition improves the business model and makes things better for everyone.

I said this in another post, but I gave up all other sites/news when I found this community because I got tired of the same routine where they promote FOMO that spikes books. Any little notion of spec spikes books artificially like the stock market. At least with this community, there is discussion and logic instead of an app push notification from a single entity.