Online Comic Store Report Card

Westfield Comics (Wisconsin?) May have a pull list. I have not ordered from the. In a long time. They were known for cancelling orders of hot books if you ordered after FOC, though…

Comix Zone (Syracuse NY) is pretty much my go to for individual orders, but they have a pull list. I like them because just about all comics come in great shape, well protected in sturdy mailers. Plus I believe they ship most of the weeks books out a day or two before Day of release, so I usually get my order of Wednesday releases on Thursday or Friday. But I am east coast.


Can someone tell me what Afshari Comics is and why I’m getting their newsletter now? Did some other site sell my name?

i got money on comic over x posure

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Go read surveillance capitalism… it’s 700+ pages of “holy shit, I should get off the grid now” type of reading…