Painter’s tape or scotch tape?

Silly question, but I just purchased a lot of mylites/mylar and full backs and i’m wondering how many ppl really prefer using painter’s tape to scotch tape.

I want to keep my bag and boarding pretty uniform so curious as to people’s takes before I start. Thanks!

I use painters tape for shipping scotch tape for closing bags

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The standard seems to be that painters tape is really only used for shipping. I actually do not think I have ever seen a bag sealed with painters tape now that you mention it.

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Self adhesive bags

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For mylar bags there are 1/2 tape 1/2 plastic tabs that work very well. If you just use tape, it is a real PITA getting it off.

With the 1/2 and half, you just lift the tab and it pulls the tape side right up and can be reused over and over again.

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I use painters tape for everything. Love it. The majority of my books go in Mylite2 with a full back…two little pieces of blue painters tape for the flap.

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I always remove all tape. If you’ve ever caught that piece of tape on the cover when removing the comic you know why. I damaged a cover once that way and had to switch it with my pc copy and keep the damaged one. I only use the resealable when possible. If I purchase a comic with tape I remove it and seal it with a small “dot “ sticker. These are cheap at office supply stores.


Beware using painters tape on mylites. It sticks and is very difficult to remove, from my experience.

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I like to use Post-it flags to seal my bags. Place flag side up, and you can peel it back and never worry about tape sticking to your comic. I am so anal, that I use different color flags for each publisher.

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I double bag all my comics. Comic inside the modern age bag, then inserted into a silver age bag and board and seal with tape.

Anytime you remove the comic, remove the inner bag. That way the tape would only stick to the inner bag, not the comic.

It also prevents the ink from rubbing off on the backing board, a common problem with Marvel comics in recent years.

I was hoping more ppl would feel this way. Whats the drawback with painter’s tape? I thought this would make it easier to open if needed

Cost would be #1. I don’t think it’s that much easier to remove than scotch tape, but much more expensive.

But I do tape my books down with painters tape, as well as when sandwiching the cardboard. I’ll also tape the cardboard to the Gemini mailer such that the comic will not slide around.


I love painters tape… I really appreciate it when I buy books from someone and the books are taped together 3+books or more. Scotch tape and the dreaded packing tape is disgusting. I’ve had to exacto knife books out of bags from the use of those tapes.

Just a point of clarification; general scotch tape sticks HELLA HARD to the mylar bags. Those post it note tabs might actually be a better option.

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Scotch tape over time becomes almost glue like in my experience. I end up having to rip the bag or cut the bag open in some cases. Short term, no real issue.
I’ve also never had a bad tape grab/tear with painters.
I buy painters blue tape at the dollar store… quality is absolutely fine.

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I HATE tape on my bags!
+1 for the 3M Post It Flags.

Do not use either for sealing Mylars. Regular scotch tape sticks badly to Mylar and you end up with a tape bump. Either from bending the bag or reapplying tape because it won’t peel off. The painters tape works but I think it looks hideous. As well it rips easily so you end up with the same problems as regular scotch tape. I’ve heard good stuff about the post it things, though I’ve never used them.

What I use, it peels off nicely and stays sticky is Scotch Brand Wall Safe Tape. Been using it for about a year with no issues.

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I try to use the resealable bags, I know some people hate them. I like them, myself.
I use painter’s tape for shipping stuff.

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You know what’s really good? The TFAW logo stickers. I’ve thought about bugging Brendon for a roll of those. :slight_smile:

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They are annoying for me because I double bag…so the inner self sealing bag sticks to the outer bag, or if the self sealer is the outer bag only the flap of the inner bag will seal and to the outer bag…unless I seal both…that defeats half the purpose of double bagging though.