Punchline Book Announced

Dust off the Hell Arisen & 89’s! :slight_smile:


I think the first appearances are holds for now.


Just imagine how many covers/exclusives we will see for this book! I actually like this cover though.
Agree with the hold, but it knowing this is coming out, makes me feel much better about having/holding the books to begin with.

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Is it available for pre-order?

Excellent news! : )

Hope we see more Punchline.

Just picked up another CGC 9.8 copy of HA3 and B89 last week. have 6 sets now.

Cool! I’ll make sure to add Punchline to my pulls! I only have 1 copy each of Batman 89 and HA3 but I’m glad I got what I do have. I don’t think either copy is better than a 9.6 (HA3 has a crack down almost the entire length of the bindery, right on the edge. Not from me, must have come from DC like that, as I got it directly from my LCS shortly after release.)

I really like this new Punchline character. She’s a lot of fun and it is nice to be part of her story from the very beginning.


You spent alittle coin. 9.8 running between $120-200

James Tynion IV and Mirka Andolfo. RIP my wallet. I’m probably buying 10.

Hell Arisen 3 won’t be cheaper than 200. BUY BUY BUY right now while they are at that price if you can swing it. I got 3 9.8s months ago as I knew she would be a good character and based on what DC and Tynion were saying about their intentions I knew that books with a tiny print run of 35k (and all the copies that came in damaged by Diamond which is legit the majority of the run) I just had that feeling we sometimes get. This will be Knull money this time next year plus WB already reserved right to her on film a month back.

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Make it 20!!!

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Who’s ready for Hell Arisen 3 to be on comics Tom top ten. Should we start a pool on what mystery problem he asks his viewers to fund with a new t shirt next? Maybe he starts selling masks to help fund his ego next??


Got 5 sets at cover, but picked up one more set of CGC 9.8s @ $160/$105

I really enjoy the character so far. I originally got it because being a Harley collector, it went with the collection. But after reading her origin and how she is in joker war, I don’t think I can part with her books

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That’s pricey. I have 1 set - raw, and will stick with it. I am not sold she has enough going for her to be a really longterm character.

Same here. Been a fun ride so far.


Has the market picked a book it likes a little bit more yet?

I’m just not big on Punchline myself. No shade at those who are, but she leaves me going, “Eh?”

To each his or her own. I love that girl tho, personally. Books about to get very hot. I mean it’s already a hot book but now it’s gonna really start pushing north. If you don’t have it and want it, now is the time it won’t be a 200 dollar book again if you ask me. Won’t be surprised if she is in Harley season 3 on HBO too


I’ve already seen quite a few gals working on their costumes/cosplay…when we finally get back into the convention scene…Punchline will be everywhere in that regard.


Because it’s a simple outfit to put together… You could probably find most if not all that one needs at wherever goth girls shop…