Looks like a herd of new hero’s in RHO37 this week. Already sold out both covers at Diamond.
Migrated this to it’s own topic, since it has nothing to do with Venom First Host #3.
there villains not heroes.
I have not gotten delivery yet to be able to read it yet but the general vibe from the series in general is that they’re heroes walking the line allowing themselves to be perceived as villains by some and known to be heroes to others. I would assume if he’s in the role of teacher then he’s going to have some students go both ways with or in spite of his influence. I believe Bizzaro and Artemis are due back in the series in the next couple issues also so maybe the whole series is about to get good again.
With that many new, hopefully at least one turns into something memorable eventually.
Babe in Arms?!
Is the hero the Babe…or the Baby in the arms of the Babe? Or is it…Both!!!
Master Blaster runs Bartertown!
Looking at 20 for the “A” cover on ebay already.
Just gonna be one I don’t worry about. It’s been hyped since last week (even by the creators) & has been sold out. Not heavily ordered to begin with so it will be very slim pickings even before any hype.
Is it that slow of a week that Red Hood Outlaw becomes the winner book?
I just can’t get past Babe in Arms…
…is it like Man-at-Arms? But the baby is the weapon?
I must know! Only reason I’m reading it if I find it…
There’s a number of potential big books this week. I can’t wait for UPS to get here this afternoon.
Absolute Carnage 2
House of X 3
Batman Superman we already know the surprise reveal for but how many of the 6 digit print run generating Batman Who Laughs fans follow the title now that it’s switching names and will it be enough to offset the size of the print run from all the hype the book got?
Marvel Comics 1000 should have something new and exciting also and with so many overpriced covers I doubt many got over ordered leaving a chance for multiple winners if the story is a hit.
She-hulk Annual, will the D23 hype boost sales or deliver a significant change so she ends up less Hulkie and more tv seriesish?
TMNT 97- does GreenStabby do anything cool to boost sales of that issue and any of the earlier ones?
Venom 17- do we get a surprise big enough to justify the delay to put it further back after AC started?
Do the replacements for Superman 14 show a change to the internal art making the racial reasons case for pulling the two comics from the packers confirmed and the YOTV cover excuse BS?
Avengers 23 -the titles due to have something big happen any issue now and what better place to get hot than when the story is already in Hell bringing in Ghost Riders of Christmas past, present & future?
Captain America 13- are we getting Peggy Carter in the cap suit?
Batman Curse of the White Knight had a cover blow up on the 1st series when they introduced the double Harley concept. can they do something this time to duplicate the magic?
Justice League 30 is getting hype from Synder directly.
Immortal Hulk 2 directors cut. 1st Print is the clear winner from the series so far. Does the Director’s Cut get any love?
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 42- does the wave of new and 1sts continue or something really cool happen that increases interest in the something that 1st appeared in 41 or Go Go? I don’t think it’s the new putties but maybe something else that hasn’t leaked yet.
I love annuals when they don’t even have an ongoing title… Makes total sense!
Directors cuts are cool to look at and read, the price however is not cool. I can’t recall any director’s cuts that have heated up in the past. It’s just a cash grab for the most part.
I agree it’s a reach but keep in mind all the reprints except 5 are getting asking prices in the double digits so I have a hard time ruling this one with additional content not going up eventually. #2 may be the exception to the rule since it’s based on the premium demand comic from the series so far.