Robin King Spec

What Dark Knights Comic should you preorder for first appearances of Robin King?

Dark Knights Death Metal 2 I believe is going to be his first appearance.

Thanks Anthony! I wasn’t sure if they were going to throw a curveball and sneak him in on a smaller print comic.

I don’t think any of the covers have him on it, unfortunately. So you’re looking at the incentive ratios as a best bet for spec…and it’s a gamble at that.

Might wait for a 2nd print shop variant. That didn’t work out so well for Metal #2 though. Too big a print run.

His variant cover for issue 3 Is what I’m looking my forward to.

Just posted about this in the lounge. I like cover A for #2 and the Federici variant for #3. Obviously any subsequent prints with him on the cover would be must buys, but I’m sure everyone will be ready for that if it happens…

Sshhh… the lounge is secret, for trust members 2 or higher…

First rule about the Lounge is we don’t speak about the Lounge to those unworthy… :wink: