Secret Invasion Disney+ show

The biggest problem they have if they want to make the Skrulls evil in this series it’s going to make Carol Danvers look just as evil as Thanos as she would be responsible for this attempted world domination because of her actions in Captain Marvel.

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Yeah, but doesn’t everybody already hate MCU’s Carol Danvers already? :rofl: (FWIW, I actually don’t… but I seem to be in the minority, so…)

Yeah…she’d be more interesting turning bad.

I thought the show wasn’t making Skrulls as a whole evil, though? I assumed it would be like a evil offshoot group and the good Skrulls work with Nick Fury to stop the bad ones? Maybe?

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My thoughts exactly.

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So there’s another possible character Emilia Clarke could be playing… G’iah

This is the 3rd character that “scoopers” say she is playing… lol

Its gonna go badly for speculators.


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Well, meet the Skrulls #1 is probably a good book to have regardless.


It was a great read and has spec value.


Anyone think we’ll get Secret Warriors ?

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Oh man, we are going to see soooo much moving forward. Secret Warriors is a good guess though.

Genderbent Union Jack

given actresses age, id imagine she will be passing the torch to chapman

Invaders #7 (1975 series) is Union Jack’s first appearance, but that book has been hot at times over that past half decade or so. Doubt there are any more dollar bin finds for this one.

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It can’t be that Union Jack he already appeared in the MCU in Captain America First Avenger WW2 times. The second Union Jack Invaders #19-#21 is the son and Union Jack for the majority of all Union Jack comic appearances but with the gender swap probably all duds.

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We need a Union Jack-verse.


If I remember there is a female Villain Union Jack in the United States Of Captain America you jogged my memory with the verse comment. But it’s just Sin as Captain America looking like Union Jack.

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No, it won’t be “that” Union Jack…That one is just his first as a character… I mean with the multi verse who knows who will appear. Like Kevin said with the actresses age there will probably be a passing of the torch if Union Jack is used more. Probably Chapman but who knows. Invaders #7 would be for those who just want the first of the character. It is also the first Barron Blood which if I remember correctly is why it heated up the first time a while back. At this point I wouldn’t go too big on Union Jack spec. As always if any firsts of a potential character being used in the MCU or versions of that character can be found cheap, go for it but not at high or high-ish prices for this one right now.