Secret Invasion Disney+ show

I didn’t mind the first episode. Like all other D+ shows I am interested in I will give it to at least the half way point before making a final decision if I continue to watch.

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I also did not know it was out today. Not a lot of hype around this one.

I just watched it. It was different but not bad.


Someone hooks up with someone and finds out they are not human?

Some Skrulls can stretch their limbs pretty far…

That is how Reed landed Sue.


Reminds me of the big network reveal of the babies from the human/ alien hookup of the “V” series back in the day.

That was such a big deal back then.

Anyone else remember that?


I loved V. Both scared and fascinated me


V was awesome! I couldn’t wait to watch it! Hard to believe that was Freddy Krueger’s big break!


You put some respect on Willie’s name!

In all seriousness, Robert Englund has had a wild career.


Loved him in Nightmare Cafe

Finally got to it today. Im hooked.

I’ll admit I know little to nothing of the secret invasion series. So approaching this fresh.

I did feel as if I had to go back and watch Captain Marvel, though. Hadn’t seen that movie yet.

After watching the second episode, I feel like I am watching a worse version of Falcon and Winter Soldier. I’ll hang in there but man, MCU phase 4 continues to fall flat compared a lot of the previous stuff.

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Is that even possible?! F&WS was so horrible I only watched 2-3 episodes and I refuse to watch the rest. Just awful.

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And that monologue at the end of the last episode of F&WS was :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

I stuck with it to the end and was sorry I did


I liked it. It’s keeping me guessing and in suspense.

Is it the best Marvel series in ever? No, but I’m enjoying the spy thriller theme as it’s something different.

I assume Fury doesn’t know the person is a skrull at the end of the episode. I’m starting to question, “who isn’t a skrull?” At this point.


Man, this show…oof. The ship keeps sinking :arrow_down:

I’m seriously considering just skipping the middle and then just watching the final episode to see how it resolves. Good grief. Phase 4 is really crap.

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At least we’re getting a Super Skrull…

(which we already saw in the series trailer months ago…)

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