Silver and Golden age comics heating up!

This thread dedicated to Golden and Silver age books heating up.

This comic should not be a surprise to most. It just keeps climbing in price and desirability. Avengers #48 where Dane Whitman becomes the Black Knight. Avengers #47 his first appearance is no slouch either but #48 has him as the Black Knight and he is also on the cover.


Amazing Fantasy 15
Fantastic Four 1
X-men 1


seen those listed on kcc app recently, might get lucky and find those in some bins


Not exactly heating up, but an alternative way to speculate on golden age comics, such as Batman #1. I highly suspect whether the comic is worth $1.8m though.


Fantastic Four 1 CGC 9.2 sold $1.5mill record price

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I wonder if we see these books hit those fractional collectable apps in a couple months :thinking:

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Those “fractional shares of real items,” sites are getting popular and confuse me.

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All Marvel Silver age keys will repeatedly beat their records for the next decade even with a recession this is the same exact thing that Golden age DC keys did 10-15 years ago. Eventually all copies will be non existent and tucked away in peoples collections and you will rarely see them even come to market. This is where the saying Silver is the next Golden age, Bronze is the next Silver age comes from and by the looks of it we are there.




and deep pockets


That’s why this thread doesn’t get much attention
just about all books creep up about 1-5% per month
they’re always “breaking” their own “record sales.”

The top 10 KCC list is boring as hell
oooh look. Another record sale for ASM 121
up 2% from December 2021! Ooooohhhhhh!!!


Yup. A comics value is based on a “demand pyramid”, as I call it.

Copies available are at the bottom.
As you steadily get to the top, copies available decreases. Values climb.

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The buy in is already out of reach for a lot of collectors as well. This is where modern flipping is key.

I can buy a hot new book (multiple copies) for $4 each, sell for $20 or $25 or spend $500 on a silver age key and wait a year to make my $100 in profit after it gradually increases 1-2% a month.

Would there not be more supply for bronze snd silver? I guess they still increase over time as they get tucked away

I do find it odd that it’s only modern books that get discussed on this forum. I guess everyone knows what the keys are and it’s not as interesting?

Most moderns are still within reach. Anecdotally, if I want to buy books in person, it’s not often Silver and Bronze keys even come up for sale in my region anymore unless you’re specifically at a con.

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Many reasons why there aren’t more, they get tucked away in long boxes or collections. Some go the way of being damaged or lost, etc. You have to remember, silver and bronze age by a lot of people were still considered reading material, not collectibles so even at times they likely got tossed after being passed around a lot.

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Thanks. Makes sense

Why can I not find the record $5.3 million sale of Superman #1 (8.0 CGC) anywhere
KCC is reporting it but cannot independently confirm.