I went ahead and grabbed 2 for $90.
Dman $14.71 shipping for 1 box
192 left
- I am a sucker, I bought two. Will do an unboxing video. Then I can write them off. lol
Are the boxes typically worth the money? (I.e, sell items on eBay for more than $50) I have never purchased a mystery box.
Last time unopened boxes were selling on ebay for $250 or so I was told
Here comes Poyo to say something negative. Lol
Don’t do it… stay away… stay a mystery box buying virgin… once you buy, you keep coming back for more… it’s like crack…
See., let’s see what smart thing he has to say now…
Negative? Pfft… more like truth.
Poyo bought 6 boxes to make a new bed in the basement
They went up for sale early
Print run 250
And to use the shitty comics that come in them as toilet paper… cause their paper is still softer than the paper Anthony provides me… which is a smaller grit sandpaper than 50 I think…
Mmm… what’s that, the 218th printing for Walking Dead #1… yeah… sign me up!
poison oak and poison ivy comics for you
Ok. I’ll pass on this. I get too much stuff in the mail… Spouse is not a fan of my comic hoarding after NYCC, Tynoin (spelling?) emails, etc.
Sweet, can’t be any worse than 30 grit sandpaper cutting deeper into my tushy each and every wipe…
Yes, a comic soul saved.
You can always ask yourself, it’s better to potentially miss out than to end up with a bunch of junk you can’t sell or don’t want. That’s how I view mystery boxes… I’d rather miss out cause you’ll lose more than you win.