So, what is the smart play on Punchline?

I saw the Nightwing 70…something to do with a crow bar…seems he’s confusing Grayson for Todd…

Not that it has anything to do with Punchline, but did you see the solicitation for Batgirl 47…deja vu all over again (Killing Joke)?

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask, but the online retailer I preordered from screwed me out of a copy of Batman 89. If anyone on here has an extra, could you set me up with a copy for a “friend” price? Thanks.

Any reason given for he cancellation? Was it an eBay listing/seller?

It doesn’t matter what DC says. The facts are she 1st appeared in BM89. That’s her first appearance. Not debatable. Which ever book will be the ‘one’ moving forward, as far a value is concerned, will be decided by the market in due time. The debates are simply semantic and subjective.

Some new info

This entire situation was a bit of the perfect storm from a spec perspective.
I think the weekly “new character/1st appearance” hype had gotten a bit old & the “Boy who cried wolf” was at play.
The late notice after FOC, along with a “meh” reaction from retailers def impacted quantities.
I know my shop (and quite a few others I’ve seen report) just didn’t hop on the HA#3 word. The book wasn’t really selling, was more expensive to order, & was gambling as the initial news was simply that Punchline “could” make an appearance. I know we’ve discussed it, but I teuly believe HA#3 will ultimately have a lower print run/be harder to find than Batman.
Anything after HA#3 won’t matter…any & all of it will be heavily ordered.
Who knows where this character will end up, but I don’t believe any books other than Batman #89 or HA#3 are worth worrying about (outside of reading).
It’s been a fun spec ride regardless.

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KCC calling HA #3 a 2nd cameo. Tynion calling HA #3 a full body app and Batman #92 “not her first appearance in ANY kind of speculator terms” when it’s probably her 1st cover app at the least. Tynion is adding to the convolution.

Edit: KCC is now calling HA #3 a first full app. They are a joke.

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What’s funny is DC newsletter claimed it was “first full” but now Tynion describes it as full body appearance…

If we already have seen what’s in Hell Arisen from the panels they already shared, she’s named and we then see her from the knees up… in two panes. That’s about as brief an appearance can get.

Cameo, first, first full, full body… they’re all just descriptions of the actual appearance.

Hands down, first appearance was in BM89. Which one comes out on top as overall most valuable? That’s to be determined…

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I’m going to skip buying several copies of #92 for a little cheaper to wait and see how people react to HA#3. Maybe we’ll get to see what is in issue #90 before FOC of #92 anyway. The LCS will at least give 10% off anyway.

KCC has no credibility, or say in what is what, about anything. KCC specializes in comic book grifting. It has zero to do with real comic book speculation.

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I think #90 and #91 will be mostly The Designer story line. Still worthy pickups I think just in case that character takes off. It’s cheap gambling, better to buy low if you plan to sell high. :wink:

I agree, but many people pay attention to it regardless.

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Use it as a tool, but not the only tool in the toolbelt. :wink:

I flipped a set of 89 and am holding 3 9.8 candidates (1 x A, 2 x B). Only have 2 or 3 copies of Hell Arisen 3 and I already pre-sold 2 copies. If the 3rd copy actually shows up, I’ll flip that one too as soon as I can. I really believe Batman 89 is the long term winner, assuming the character doesn’t die. I’m actually thinking she ends up killing Harley (or appears to kill her), which would then make Batman 89 BLOW UP!! Ah the spec game…

An ebay listing shows her on 2 different pages in possibly 6 different panels. That’s full enough for me.

No speaking parts… some might say otherwise… :wink:

Here’s the pages:


Totally. There is a lot of action going on though. Especially, the hand-holding between her and joker albeit a shadow.

Yep…I’ll get them all, but it is Batman 89 and HA#3 for the win here. Everything else will be fodder imo.


This doesn’t show her right foot. When will the first appearance of her right foot be!!!

Hey, we all realize Batman didn’t fully appear until dammed #1 right. Took 80 years of partial appearances to get there…