Something is Killing the Children coming to Netflix

different showrunners now

wed success pushed it forward

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No, it was me selling one of my #1 9.8s the day before yesterday

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Do you have any first prints of issues 2 and 3? My wife has been looking for those 2 issues. Please DM me if you do and would like to sell them. Thank you

She is also looking for the one issue that has Erica in a bath tub full of blood.

@Gbess I’ll take a look for you. Are you only in need of 9.8 type candidates or VF/NM ok also?

Will let you know and set them aside if I find one you need.

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She’s a picky person so the best copies that you want to sell would be better. Thank you

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You are likely aware, but those were pretty short printed and have been a bit pricey - especially in that condition.

Get a DM, you two! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh I know. She has been selling her other copies to make sure she has enough to buy those that she wants.

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Let’s fkn gooooooooooooo!!!


I’ll give it a shot but I wasn’t impressed with the comic series itself. Now Department of Truth is another story. I want to see that adapted.


I’ve been picking up a ton of Department of Truth at $1 sales, basically the entire run. Any time I see DOT for cheap I pick up, got lots of multiples of the early issues. DOT is a show that I see that can blow up because it has a LARGE crossover appeal. There are a lot of kooks
er I mean conspiracy theorists and people in general that loves this kind of stuff. Done well it could be a giant hit.


Why is the meeting in Berlin though?

Cheaper to film in eastern Europe

True. But German’s not that cheap to shoot in. And wouldn’t really make any sense to send the original creator over there to talk to people about production. :man_shrugging:

Production companies station in Germany but film in Romania and other places