Exclusives have always been open at Boom. They only recently saw interest because of the last few successes. (So yes I partially agree woth ur statement)
But retailers had to take the chance and what pushed them to take that chance ultimately was not what was in the book before it sold, But by what Boom was telling retailers.
Yeah that’s not what happened. Netflix has a first-look deal with Boom!, so basically Netflix has the option to turn any Boom! title into a series. But that doesn’t mean that any series has been given the green light to be made yet. And that came in April of this year, after the success of SiKtC.
Another big reason for the recent success of Boom! (outside of the fact that they’re putting out quality stories) is that shops were willing to take a chance on their books because Boom! allows any unsold books to be returned for a refund.
You are conflating readers and collectors. If a reader is buying books because of cover art, then they are a collector. Readers read the story, not buy covers for that art at inflated prices.
The readers I speak with on a weekly basis aren’t even aware of what a store variant is.
Thats like saying “the flippers i know are reading the storys “ you are just trying to “label” one as another When they are both the same . Readers are collectors. Collectors are readers.
I know readers who will pick the cover (if there are multiples available at cover) that appeal to them more over the others but none of the readers I know will pay premium for cover art. So yes, I agree if someone chases the art, that’s more a collector mentality but I do know a few reader people who will pick the cover art that they like more over the others.
Yes. Thats what the public knows. But to get there there had to be other things going on.
Here is a good example
2018 SDCC Snyder announced that he was shopping around for tv options on his new book undiscovered country (2 months before release mind you). He convinced retailers to buy into the comic, then had Diamond solicite it a month early to show execs what interst was there for it. After the first FOC he took those numbers and then poof it was optioned.
Have we heard anything since? No. Not that i know of. But the point is that publishers and creators will take this to studios first before even publishing it.
Wait I’m confused - you’re saying that in order for Boom! to have signed a first-look deal with Netflix they had to tell stores they were turning some of their books into tv shows? And that spurred the popularity that caused the deal with Netflix to be signed? Is there any evidence to back up this theory?
Boom told retailers that they were shoping around for options with different networks, not that they had one yet. They were using several new titles and several established titles as Reference.
Boom never mentioned which books, just that things were in the works. Retailers then went and bought what they thought was a good idea. Now it has morphed into store variants. Thats all im saying.
I bet you it won’t be on Netflix in 2 years from today? With COVID delays and studios on caution… I’ll take that bet any day of the week. Will it show up eventually? Probably but not anytime in the near future… So many steps involved. If they haven’t announced a script writer for the show yet, that’s another 6-9 months after they do…
I agree 100%. It has had a 100% organic growth which I would assume is very tempting to a studio. Out of all their books it would be the cheapest to produce ( live action) and it would appeal to both horror fans and sci fi fans, both of which netflix has done very well with.
Not to derail this topic, but other books i am keeping an eye on are Folklords (would make a great animated movie) and Wynd (Tynion is teasing and hinting at this being an option)
Mmmmm. I disagree on production. How long do you think these subscription services can keep members with no new content? Its very evident that the dollar trumps covid any day of the week. Slowed down? Yes i agree. But i wouldnt be suprised if we started hearing movie news again soon. (Look at the new batman movie)
Since my wife now works for one of the local unions for people who work in film in this area, I’ll let you know when production starts to really take off. Until then… it’s dragging due to the pandemic.
They are not the same to me, at all. But, this is semantics. If you want to label someone who buys a book, solely to read it, as a collector, then that is your prerogative.
To me, a reader is someone who reads and doesn’t care about the cover or condition (to poyos point, a reader may pick which cover he likes best, but overall it doesn’t matter to them what cover they get, as they just want to read it…hence the label ‘reader’).
Collectors are people who care about the condition and ‘collectibility’ of the books.
Speculators are people who buy comics with the outright intention of reselling them. Speculators care also care about the condition and collectibility of any given book, but for intrinsically different reasons than the collector.
A speculator can also be a collector, and also be a reader. A collector can also be a reader. But a reader, by my definition, can not be a collector or a speculator.
Its a tiered description where every tier incorporates every other tier that preceded it, and each tier is wholly separate from every other tier that follows it, with readers being at the start. I thought this was pretty much universally agreed upon in our community. Maybe not, but that’s my definition.