Spawn on Kickstarter

I’ve met plenty of tough negotiators who didn’t resort to being a “dick” in such tactics… so lumping them as the same… I wouldn’t go so far, but that’s my opinion I suppose. There’s a term I have to use and apply all the time in my own line of work where I have to be “cold but polite” when dealing with certain types of people. So yes, one can be a tough negotiator without being a dick at the same time. You can be “cold” but “polite” at the same time.

Like I said though, I don’t know Todd and if I briefly met him in person and he was nice, I would give him the benefit of the doubt of being a nice person in private but that’s not always the case. I know from what I’ve read, Todd might be nice to me as a comic convention guy or bump into him on the street like you claim but from the other stories (particularly his business dealings) and even his own quotes, i"ll just take his own word for it that his true persona is… He’s a dick! But you keep believing he’s a nice guy if you want to… that’s just being naive if you ask me to judge someone from small brief encounters at conventions or the brief encounters in public.

Okay, I’m getting in the last word cause well, F$*K I’m the goddamn admin here on the forums. Let’s get back on topic now or I just start throwing down the forum law (and probably silence myself for a day or two)…

One last thing. I never said I wasn’t a fan of this project. I started off by questioning why Todd was using the Kickstarter platform on something he very well has the means to kickstart on his own.

I know there are other companies out there that might use it (but we’re not talking about them) but Todd knows there’s thousands of fans of and for Spawn out there. This is certainly a project that could have been done through a pre-ordering process on his own site, etc.

To me, it’s not a project that is in the Kickstarter spirit… Kickstarters are generally deemed as projects that have an uncertainty for the product itself. It allows a creator to get a feeling if people are generally interested in a product and or project, to deem if it’s worth doing if they raise enough to actually move forward with production.

Imagine if Apple started doing kickstarts on their next iPhone model or Disney was creating kickstarts for new dolls or toys from their huge line of copyrights they own… pretty sure this would raise eyebrows. That’s basically what I did, knowing Todd is worth an estimated 300 million dollars.

Okay, that’s all I needed to say in having the final word. From this point on, talk about the Kickstarter itself… if you plan on backing it, backing it to flip, if you think there will be a market after the thousands are produced, blah blah blah…

I appreciate the post. Thank you. I doubt I would have come across this offer if you had not posted it. And please don’t take offense to my convo with Poyo, and Willie. We are just voicing our differing opinions. It is okay to disagree and still talk about it. We were all respectful to one another, perhaps a bit snarky, yes (that’s just our personalities, imo), but respectful, imo, none the less. The conversation doesn’t haven’t to be zero sum. It’s just a convo with some varying opinions. That is healthy, imo. But again, I do appreciate the post, as I am now a backer of this offer. Cheers, to all. :v::beers:

It’s all good. We are all entitled to freedom of speech.

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Been needing to share this with you guy. I didn’t get to see the Todd Father as I was 20 minutes late. But this was cool of him to show up at my LCS and do this.


Update on the Kickstarter for those who ordered:

Email received today 2/12/2021

As mentioned in my previous update, there was (and still is) a traffic jam of boats sitting out in the Los Angeles (Long Beach) ports. I just received word from my shipping company that the U.S. and Customs folks have allowed our first four shipping containers to clear inspection.

This means that those containers will be heading to a warehouse nearby, where FedEx will soon be picking them up. Tracking numbers for those items will be coming soon after that.

There are currently another 18 containers behind those initial 4, so a steady stream of containers should begin to hit the warehouses (fingers crossed). The containers have a mixture of 3-PAK and single figure boxes in them.

I will let all of you know when I hear that the tracking numbers for those 4 containers have been released (or are a day or two away from release).

Thanks for your continued patience.


Was supposed to be delivered by Dec but we know how that went mail and covid and overseas shipping delays.


Finally I got my figures in. Man do they look sick as F@$#. Glad I went with my gut and got all 3 of them.


Still waiting on mine :triumph::triumph:

Got mine in the mail also. Great looking figures. Hope it comes in soon for everyone that ordered.

Btw, mine came in via FedEx if anyone finds that helpful.

Me too. I was hoping Todd would help out a fellow Canuck and get mine to me first, lol.

Patience is a virtue.

Every day on the Kickstarter comments, people are reporting that theirs is coming in. 23,000 backers, so, there is a lot of logistics to figure out in these chaotic times. Soon enough, my friend. Soon enough.

Yeah I’m patient I know it will come. At least was hoping for tracking info or something. But I see folks receiving with no updates at all.


i got a tracking number a couple weeks before they shipped. About 2 weeks after getting a fed ex tracking number it finally shipped from Pocatello ID.

I was hoping for a tracking number too, and I got some number from pledgebox, but the number doesn’t work anywhere. I’ve heard others in the same situation as I find myself.

At this point, I am reserved to just waiting for it to show up unexpectedly one day. Like a daily Christmas roulette wheel. Admittedly, I’m giddy AF.

As soon as the Kickstarter ended, I tabulated the backers from the different tiers, as to try and guage the print runs on the comics that will come with the figures. Those numbers are posted somewhere here on CHU. I can’t find them among my things atm.

Found it…Spawn Kickstarter Covers Released...Poyo😉

I’ll always kick myself (no pun intended) for not buying one. It was just absolutely horrible timing and despite being a month long with a million reminders I just lost track. Wife’s cancer, Covid, blah, blah excuses.
Funny thing is, I’ll buy one off ole ebay and honestly am ok with getting scalped. It’s a gorgeous end product from what I can see.
I’m torn between jumping on one now, or holding off till more hit buyers.
Debated going big on the 3 pack, but will be happy with the classic. I just want to make sure it’s sealed. I’m sure folks are going to pull scams with these.

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What’s the prices on it going for?

@SpideyHunter516 The single packs around $180-225. Three packs $550-700ish.
Artist proof single is far less than classic or modern…they aren’t really moving at all from what I’ve observed.

Also observed quite a few tricky listings…folks removing items, comic, weapons, etc and then selling. Many only stating in fine print…buyer beware.

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Those will be sought after by the custom toy people. Apparently they like the fact that the toy has not yet been painted. :man_shrugging:


Appreciate the info. I wanted the classic… modern is cool. bought all 3. I kno the unpainted I will have no use for. I’ll have to see them in hand but I’m leaning towards letting that one go. I really like the comic covers for all 3 lol.