Spec: Batman X Fortnite Why you should pay attention to this book

Why are people on my Instagram selling these for $20+ they know the people who follow them don’t play fortnite lol

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When I sold mine I only had 3 people tell me they only wanted the code, I also had several message me to make sure they were getting the comic because they were excited to read it.

The Fortnite players dont read comics.
The news about the skins to Fortnite players came after FOC.
The higher cover price so I’m assuming alot of stored didnt order many copies.

Fake pumped up auction

This is obviously another fake auction just like the black Adam one to skew prices.


Yeah, those bids look awfully suspicious…

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Nothing to see here! :roll_eyes:

I’m hoping I get my copies from tfaw before the bubble bursts lol

I actually laughed at loud at those bids. Someone really gave their shill-elagh a workout.


So my TFAW order just started processing, and out of 20 I ordered pre-FOC, only 1 is showing…that isn’t a good sign!

EDIT: All 20 are showing now, looks like I checked right at the wrong time!

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I got 5 last night. My son’s both got one and one went on my account. I sold the two others for $17 each. I have 13 more on order from tfaw. The 5 I got last night cost me $30. Sold the two for $34, so $4 profit and three free skins (my kids think I am the best and their friends are now bugging their parents to get them.) win/win/win


You have created a monster! Great tip on these, you were spot on!


Shops in my area said the phones have been ringing off the hooks about this. They ordered very heavy but still ran out. I have a bunch coming from TFAW, but had plans to use them for presents/random gifts to friends/family kiddos. Even though my youngest is 24, some of his pals still play the game. If any of them are interested, I’ll have them cash app him money for the code to make some profit.


I just want to remind everyone to be careful selling on ebay.
I sold a code once about a year ago and the buyer asked if I could send the code before the item ships.
As soon as I sent it he canceled the transaction.
I was out over $100

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I was just thinking about this last night, and I won’t send the code until I physically mail the package. I don’t want this to happen to me!

Naaaah fam. U dont sent product before payment. I understand why but that’s a no-no. You pay me THEN you get product.

I would never give someone a product before they pay… nope, nope, nope…

No pun on you @Radricky , just trying to have fun with the memes, you had to learn the hard way apparently. :sob:

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I think he is actually referring to a loophole on eBay where after you pay for an item, you can still request an order cancellation before the seller ships it and provides a tracking number to eBay. Since it is technically still a seller’s option whether or not to cancel the order, it seems that this buyer contacted eBay support directly to have the order cancelled without the seller’s involvement.

To be safe, sellers should make buyers directly message me asking for the code to be emailed so there is proof to provide to eBay support if this should happen.

My understanding is that while people do sell digital codes, its not officially allowed on ebay. My prior experience is the digital codes that came with blu ray movies. Im interested in hearing others experiences in selling digital codes- whether they ship comic at the same time so that what @Radricky described of emailing the buyer the code (even through ebay messaging) and then having seller cancel the transaction does not occur.

Will ebay customer service support you even if you can prove you messaged the code to the buyer?

I do not offer returns, so if my item is already “shipped”, even if it hasn’t been dropped at the post office, it still gets mailed out. If they don’t want the product once it arrives they are going to have to figure out a way to get a refund…which the risk is they damage it and then claim it was damaged on arrival. However, with small items, that aren’t very valuable, I don’t mind taking that risk.