Star Wars: Ahsoka Disney+ show

That was the worst CGI Anakin face… could they not have just put some makeup on Hayden’s face to fill in some wrinkles to make him appear younger? His CGI face in Obi-wan was kind of weird but this was just down right creepy. My kids are like”his eyes are too far apart!”.

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Taken from revenge of the sith.

I’m really enjoying the Ahsoka show! The casting is spot on but what’s the deal with Baylan Skoll’s padawan? A little background on her character would help because I’m not impressed (she’s done a great job of being menacing).

I’m fine even with the Anakin CGI although when he first appeared, I said (to myself) “Woof, that’s, not great”.

I don’t actually care about seeing Ezra - BRING ME THRAWN!!! Thrawn is the money maker moving forward IMO

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Would really like some background, otherwise, she’s just angry and we don’t know why (yet) like how I felt about 3rd Sister in Obi Wan… too eager but for what?

I can fix her :heart_eyes:

Thought it was Edward from Twilight talking to Ahsoka at first…

It’s Baylan’a bratty little daughter…

…so the rumor mill tells me.

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Despite Filoni’s awful infantile writing (such terrible cliched dialogue) a really well-delivered episode - Peter Ramsey really polished up that turd, full credit to him. I enjoyed it - just wished the characters would talk like actual people.

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It felt like a true end to act I, leading into Act II, which I like.

Mandalorian Seasons 1& 2 did well with individual stories in one episode while moving the broader story along.

Andor and it’s 4 episode arcs were well done also.

leaks for episodes 5-8

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So one of the things that will likely be answered in a few days is how Ahsoka found herself in the world between worlds.

She’s not dead. And she’s surprised to be there. So she likely”fell” into this world or was pulled. But I’m thinking Anakin did not pull her in as he seems surprised as well.

So I think it comes down to either Morai, the Convor, going to make her official on screen debut (apparently she may have been in the shadows during a screen in Mandalorian right before Ahsoka appeared), and the owl, who has ties to both Ahsoka and the World Between Worlds, created the portal to save her. The planet is obviously a hot spot for the force due to the Purrgil and the reflex point ruins.

I’m not sure how Morai would conjure such a thing. But the theory is that she is there on Seatos, as she always seems to be close by to Ahsoka. And there was an interesting point of few from above in the scene where Huyang was trying to reach Sabine and Ahsoka on the com link.

But what I think is more likely is that when Ahsoka grabbed the map and it scalded her hand, it may have created some disturbance or rift in the force, maybe around her unknowingly, so when she fell she actually subconsciously created the portal in her distress.

Anakin is likely some type of apparition…likely in her mind…as he appears as She last saw him (prior to becoming Vader), young and in the same uniform. And this will be the force and maybe even her subconscious, and episode 5 will be all about looking through portals replaying decisions she made in her life and why she really could not have prevented Anakin fall…but that last thought aligns with the spoilers so I’ll stop there.

Must be a pretty big episode if Disney is setting up special theaters for groups to view and enjoy episode 5 together.


Woah…I can see why they are airing in theaters as well. Wow. Nicely done, Filoni.


Great episode.

Im honestly kind of confused about what Anakin was supposed to teach Ahsoka, and if he was even really the real Anakin.

I have no idea what just happened.

I don’t think he was real. It was all in the mind (sort of…mostly).

I think the lesson she needed to learn was Anakin was always Vader, it was his destiny long before she left him and the Jedi order.

The battle with Anakin was just symbolic of her inner struggle with accepting his fate and the role she played in it.

And she had to make a choice whether to accept this and move past it (Live), or forever carry the guilt and burden unnecessarily, perhaps even fall to the Dark Side Herself (Die).

That’s what I took away from it. I could be completely off though.

Jacen and Hera could “hear” the battle because they have a deep connection to Ahsoka, and she basically “projected” it to their minds Subconsciously .


The other interesting lesson that thought was great was how Most Jedi were trained in times of peace and using their weapon was to be in self defense only. However Ahsoka was trained in the height of the clone wars, so she had a different training atmosphere in which was more about survival by being aggressive. And that makes her development so much different than most padawans before her.

So “living” can also be a choice of moving past her own “sins” and guilt from that time in her life, and embracing who she truly is.

I thought the flashbacks were excellent. Especially in that it provided some key background on the Ahsoka character for the casual fan who may not know her prior Clone Wars history. It filled that gap nicely while respecting the knowledgeable fan by not retconning any cartoon history.

And Captain Rex! Gotta love that Easter egg.


The episodes keep getting better and better :heart_eyes:

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Really, really good.
Ahsoka simply holding that Clones hand… powerful. What I always loved about “The Clone Wars” was the relationship building with clones/Ahsoka. Sure it’s just a space show but that carnage certainly would have a profound impact on anyone.

Amazing job of creating Anakin’s vibe and look from that time frame/the cartoon. Very subtle nuances in his stance, voice, actions. So well done.
Brought out the inner child in me a bit.

One little critique that bugged me. It shouldn’t and I’m being one of those types.
How old do you think Ahsoka looked in that flashback (with Anakin fighting in the clone wars)?

Ahsoka was 14 when she became Anakin’s Padawan.
Seemed far younger to me in that sequence and it threw me off just a bit.

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Aliens age differently than humans?

They cast actors and do the best they can with CGI. I feel more apt to criticize the look of Anakin more than Ahsoka. But I also know what they look like is not as important as the acting and story they are telling. Which I thought was spot on.

My only dig would be we didn’t see much of the “war” going on in the background because of the dust/smoke. I don’t recall cartoon episodes on planets like that. But it’s also a dream-like sequence/vision which in reality those tend not to have a lot of background details (that you can remember) anyway. So I’m ok with it at the same time given what it’s supposed to be.

Definitely a coming of age moment for Ahsoka, as symbolically she switched to more “white” clothes symbolizing her complete transition to Jedi Master.