Star Wars Comic Spec MEGATHREAD

Boba Fett Droids is available on target app just bought two.


They went out of stock and switched my pick up order to shipping and couldn’t ship to my address so had to send to the parents on the mainland. But says it’s shipping

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@Alana I received mine yesterday and they actually arrived safe and sound, boxed adequately. Glad you got ahold of a couple. They are actually very nice figures/cards.

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Put together a speculation post for Andor for DW. Wanted to get it published before we get a trailer. Which I expect to see this week.

We should try to link to the topic created in the forums instead of the same post comments. :wink:

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Ohhh Andor trailer just on.

no aphra announcement, F^*K disney lol

I think she’ll appear in Obi Wan. Why else keep actors roles under wraps?


Thanks to a CBSI article pointing out this book features a young Leia and 1st Bail Organa, finally sold my Newsstand copy of Star Wars Tales 11 that’s been sitting on eBay over a year… :grin:

Just watched revenge of the sith to get primed for Obi1. Does anyone else really love that movie?

I remember coming out of the theatre snd loving it snd I still think it’s great. I think it’s all the light saber action I love


Absolutely, there are so many scenes I will often play just because they are so well done (and because the music is perfect). Order 66 especially and the final duel.
While I can’t go quite that far, I know It’s my two sons (age 25 and 32) favorite and best Star Wars theater experience/memory.

I let them skip school back at the time to hit the midnight premier with me/cosplay. The 8 year old at the time ended up on front page of the local news which was funny as his teacher laminated it and gave it to him in class. :slight_smile:


We have confirmation of Commander Cody and Chieftain Tarfful in the Bad Batch Trailer


Reminder that we have two new comics out this week. Getting outshined by Celebration news but they both look pretty cool IMO.

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Also put together a breakdown of everything we know about the new High Republic mini series by Charles Soule “The Blade”

  1. Star Wars: Yoda arrives this October.
    Issues #1-3 will go to the days of the High Republic and features Yoda at the youngest we’ve ever seen him
  1. Future Doctor Aphra issues could have broad implications.
    Doctor Aphra writer Alyssa Wong was tight lipped regarding exactly what those implications are, but when it comes to the titular doctor, it could be anything. Currently, Aphra is dealing with a dark cult called the Ascendant. “They’re kind of like cosplayer Siths,” Wong offered as an explanation for who they are. “Expect it to get weird because it is getting weird.”

Does this mean we are best friends now?




Can I b down?