Why not? As Drunkwooky said, if the variables are equal how isn’t it?
That’s the point though I’m making. Why are you just selecting two random titles to come up with a % of one outselling the other. Maybe if the titles were related to one another with a character appearance.
GI JOE #239 had X amount of copies sold. Wolverine #5,908,404 had Y copies sold. X < Y = %… what’s the point in saying GI JOE sold less with a % number attached when GI JOE has nothing to do with Wolverine? That’s just coming up with arbitrary numbers that still mean nothing in the end except you calculated a % between the two books.
As long as its not presented as fact I personally dont see the issue in using comichron for directional data personally and in informal discussions. The exact print/sales number doesn’t really matter. But having an idea of how heavily something was likely to be ordered is interesting to me.
Just my opinion. Dont think anyone should make big buying decisions based on the data but I dont see anything wrong with using it for conversations.
Print runs, order numbers, copies sold…none of it matters. It has no bearing on a books value.
What matters is supply vs demand…and also what price sellers ask for.
Nobody should ever buy based on sales or stated print runs… if we did, every small indie book would be worth a fortune since their print runs are so minuscule in comparison… number of copies created don’t make things valuable, there has to be demand. Organic demand is true valuation of a product. When people start buying cause there’s “not that many” of them, then to me, that’s false demand and in the end, most will lose out due to FOMO or whatever drives them to buy something because someone stated there’s not that many of them.
Haha, I was typing up a much longer same response…
And without demand, supply means absolutely squat!
I’m comparing Star Wars to Star Wars. Not GI Joe to Wolverine.
Darth Vader 1 (First Krrsantan) is a great comparison tool because the book went from a $5 book to a $30 book with a Comichron estimate of over 300,000.
It demonstrates the potential for other Star Wars books and how they may increase in value based on the estimated availability for the copy you’re comparing it to.
In other words, if the Star Wars comic universe can experience a 600% increase in value for a book with a Comichron Estimate of 300,000, what would the potential percentage increase be for a book that has a Comichron estimate of 5,000?
Comparing a print run of one book to another on potential value is moot. Yes they’re both Star Wars but now this is laying claim of the book could be valuable based on it’s supposed “small print run” which does not create demand, if it does, then this is false demand.
We are talking about two completely stories and characters as well within the same universe. They have their similarities but I still wouldn’t use a Vader book over a High Republic for it’s own future potential… we’ll either have High Republic fans or not (and this is why I used a Joe vs Wolverine comparison). Some might love Vader while others might not like High Republic and vice versa… it’s a weak comparison in my opinion on any potential future gain value, etc.
Those are valid points. We’ll see how it shakes out over the next few years.
this is all Demand related stuff. I believe people are quoting Comicron for Supply related issues. People reading those Supply stats can make their own minds up as far as their speculation on the future Demand.
"I would. They’re still cheap. Elzar is a MAJOR character.
The die-hards over on High Republic Reddit recently picked him as their favorite character of the first phase."
This is really good info. I’m starting to wonder if I should be picking up the 2nd prints of SW 20, seeing as the 2nd prints for HR have mostly organically risen in value. I can still find these 2nd prints of SW 20 everywhere in shops in my area. I have about 10 of the first prints and 3 copies of 2nd prints. Might have to pick up a few more. Put this on your watch lists guys.
Also a great point! That’s what I’m doing. I look at these numbers for that exact purpose.
I am speculating that the demand will come. I could be wrong. But, if I’m not, and if I focus on issues with lower Comichron Estimates, I’ll be in great shape.
@ComicSpec @Venomismypassion People like to skew and misuse Comichron’s numbers for personal gain. People want to create FOMO. People keep saying they are “print numbers” when they are not.
I wish but from what I’ve read, when some people start talking up books and then bring up… "comichron states there’s only X amount… ", seems they’re pushing people to buy based on supply numbers, not if they actually want the damn book for any other reason. That’s what I’m trying to avoid and warn others from falling victim to… You can hype up and speculate a book without ever mentioning sales numbers. If people demand it, the value will rise more than likely…
The demand should come in a form of people liking the story, characters, etc. not because the “print run” might be small though.
Next time you start talking spec, try to not even mention comichron or the supposed sales/print/copies numbers… it’s actually doable and just a better overall way for me in selling a book based on eveything it has to offer over it’s “supposed copies available”…
I know where some are….
If you average out all titles in a month and even better over time, I think you’d get a good sense of what is “high sales” and what is “low sales.” That is all I’m saying.
Comparing two issues wouldn’t be as helpful.
Thank you. That’s a good bingo.
ASM 300.
Mic drop.
He has the best character arc and progression among all the main protagonists, along with Bell. Plus, Elzar’s still alive at the end of Phase 1, which is a big plus on his row of the spreadsheet.
I think the fact he was used in Star Wars 20 (And the way he was used) give me confidence he’s going to be a major player. *Not sure if it will be good / bad or neutral though.
Maybe there is a link to him having children who are jedi/sith in the time of the prequel trilogy. This is pure speculation and there are zero facts out there to support it. But I do think he’s got an important story ahead.