Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Pre-Orders

Even people who like Bleeding Cool think Jude Terror is an awful addition to it. I reading Bleeding Cool along with other stuff and the site just keeps decreasing in quality, with Jude being one major reason.


Jude is an f’ing moron.


Coming out of left field with this one, but am I the only person that thinks that the trade dress on these “War of the Bounty Hunter” books looks horrendous?

 I like the Darth Vader cover with Chewie and Han but the trade dress/banner across the top just kills it for me. :sob:

World record breaking comic!!!

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Oh, did Marvel hire back Todd? If so I’m out

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Remember when Downey said you never go full ■■■■■■■ Well Jude went there, and then some

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I just honestly cannot understand what he was trying to even articulate up there.

It’s like the “Star Wars” part is out of sync with the “War of the Bounty Hunters”

Yeah something is just totally off about it man, it’s unfortunate.

Well, Downey said that while he was playing a dude, who played another dude disguised as another dude.

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There were no action figure variants at my LCS today. He said they didn’t get their shipment in. It’s unfortunate, but I definitely believe him. They are not ones to pull any shady bulls*t.

The force was not strong with this shops shipment then

Director’s cut is worth it for the back cover alone.


I enjoyed the Alpha issue! although, it feels like Boba is too powerful? He shreds the other fighters in the competition 
too easily? I don’t know, I guess from The Mandalorian I expect Mandalorians to be the best/most efficient around, but uh, Boba Fett can’t manage to off a half-blind Han Solo in RotJ. How’s he cake-walking through this thing?

I just hope the black armor becomes a thing in the show.


He got his ass handed to him by that spider woman before his last ditch effort.

She’s a beaut Clark!



This right here is a complete sentence.

What? Where? How?

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