Super Bowl Predictions/commercial Thread

I am not hating, just curious if she is pregnant. I googled it and there are a ton of people asking the same questions. And some funny memes.


Last year’s halftime show was a lot better. So many talented folks. This year we got Rihanna floating around on a weird spaceship. She’s perfectly fine but that was it.

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I had rotavirus last year and was a bi-valve volcano. So pretty happy with this years show.

Everyone on Twitter is insisting she’s pregnant.

She announced she is expecting her second child.

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When did she announce it? After everyone was commenting about it online?

See above.

Ah, makes sense.

The Chiefs sure like to cheat their way to a win…

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Horrible holding call…tired of watching bad or petty calls decide these games. This season has been one of the worst I can recall relative to officiating.

And I had no dog in the fight. Hell, I’m a Lions fan lol. :joy:

Speaking of Detroit Lions…Jamaal Williams (the running back for the Lions for those that don’t follow) is a HUGE fan of comics and Anime. He attends cons and always makes funny references to the stuff we all love during interviews. He’s just awesome.


We all know who the real winner was tonight.

Michael Keaton Batman.

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My wife asked me the same thing…so I searched the internet and learned she just had a child less than a year ago…although it seemed odd that she’d not have trainers and such since then getting back into pre-pregnancy weight…

Being a child of the 80s, it was an exciting moment.

Was that the “Stray” dogs movie trailer I saw?

I heard about that. An R-rated animal movie could be funny.

I’ll be looking for flights from NY to the Las Vegas Sphere :slightly_smiling_face:
And praying I get tix.

So who won the Handball game since there’s not a whole lot of “foot” when it comes to this silly game of very large men in tights chasing another man in tights with oval shaped dead pig! :stuck_out_tongue:

A foot did win the game.

With an assist given to the ref.

Time to reanimate this thread…