Super Bowl Predictions/commercial Thread

If you come to town, message me!

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Awww shucks!
I actually did fly out to see U2 at the Sphere just a few months ago.
Most incredible show I think I’ve ever seen.

Wanted to slip one last U2 show in, but that 5.5 hour flight from the east coast for just a couple/three days is painful :slight_smile:

Did you see some idiot influencer climbed it and did a ton of damage to it?


Yes, I read that. What was he protesting again?

He was a pro-life protestor. Just remembered.

Hope they charge him for the $100k damages. Don’t care if you protest. Don’t care what you are protesting for or against. Just don’t mess things up. This is why we can’t have nice things.


They’re calling him a real life Ultimate Spider-man :crazy_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :wink:

Can I sell him on eBay?

What protestors protest against is irrelevant when they start damaging property that isn’t theirs. I can’t stand that mindset no matter which side a person is on. When they start thinking it is fine and dandy to destroy stuff or injure others I stop having any sympathy for them is something goes sideways.


I hope for people who do dumb things to get hurt. Sorry not sorry.


drinking game rules
drink every time they show or mention taylor


Playing that game, Ill be drunk by the end of the 1st quarter…


Half the viewing audience would drop dead by half time.


Yeah, that’s too dangerous. Safer to have an over-under on how many times she’s shown.

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And whatever he was protesting is going to be overshadowed by his stupidity. It’s an issue with zero chance to change anyone’s mind anyway, I’d argue. I’ve met pretty much nobody against abortion who ever changed their mind unless something happened in their personal life where they suddenly found having authority over their body beat out political beliefs. I’m incredibly pro-choice and only became more pro-choice when a medical emergency made it necessary for my wife to get an abortion or go septic and die. A dude climbing up the Sphere and breaking it isn’t going to change my mind.

Off-topic rant over.

How many Super bowl ads will be for businesses that go bankrupt before the next year? I always find that interesting. Remember all the internet ads before that bubble burst in the early 2000s? Remember that sock puppet dog?

Oh yeah I remember the dot com boom/bust very well.

Who will win Super Bowl LVIII ?
  • 49ers
  • Chiefs

0 voters

This RFK jr commercial is just…bizarre

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Score is 10-3 at the half, 13 is Taylor Swift’s lucky number. Deadpool Commercial in Super Bowl, means that Taylor Swift will be in Deadpool

Its all scripted…

(Taking off my tin foil hat.)

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