Teen Titans Academy Speculation

You mean narrative sacrifices or actual sacrifices. As in death. Cus those kids are straight dead in Future State.

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I hope it does…my one graded 9.8 :unamused:

sell and buy a 1:50 9.8, long term the book spec value is the 1st apps, and the momoko doesnt have any of the 11 on the cover

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That sounds like decent advice. Cheers.


Why are people speculating on this book?I haven’t been up to date with Teen Titans Academy.

It’s basically a rip off of Strange Academy and that is a good read and a good spec grab if you can get it cheap but with the first appearances in this book it’s a good pick up

I agree with you. It will tank within a year or so.It has none of the first appearances of Strange academy characters.The prices are starting to dip.

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and Strange Academy is basically a rip-off of X-Men’s school and Harry Potter. It’s a rip-off of a rip-off, which makes me giggle.

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And we buy into it every single time :rofl:

I had to distort the colors to hide private information. These are from Teen Titans Academy #1. Only tidbits I found spec worthy.

Some new faces…

These characters finally get names…

Last page…

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Damn clown hunter put on some beef he looks like he’s off to a NFL tryout

Edit - for those that don’t understand the joke it’s spec going around that clown hunter is red x


I am not sure but he looks African American in that picture. I know it was said the colors were distorted to hide personal info but I think that canceled out a lot of people’s guesses as to who he is.

Background colors were distorted…hence the white. Most of the skin colors remain intact.

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So what’s everyone going for? Infinite frontier #0 for the cameos or academy #1 for the full?

None… but that’s just me.

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Full definitely. Although I have a couple of IF #0 anyway!

[100 + (-98)]•A + [100 + (-98)]•B = Bungles books :man_shrugging:

I got 2A 2B for Infinite frontier and 2A 2B FOR titans :woozy_face:


Hmm the kid with the red hair and attitude is also missing from cover A. :thinking: