Yes, there was a stipulation that you could only order 5 of the FCBD books… were you aware? maybe you went over the limit.
I did not know that. Thank you
Did anyone else have their Shadow War Zone Leirix Li incentive swapped out with this one? The Li variant was sitting in my pre-orders for many weeks and I’m noticing this swap-out for the first time now.
The 1:25 and 1:50 covers were swapped a while ago, and this was posted on CHU (‘monopoly’ mentioned it on the FOC Mega Topic thread). Initially the Leirix Li was listed as the 1:50, but then re-listed as a 1:25. Maybe TFAW will cancel for you, as it is past FOC, but it will be a strike (three max.) on your account. I’ve been burned by these swaps too. Hope things work out for you.
Strike on your account….I told Max to take all my strikes and give them to their data entry person since they are the ones that cause any strike I received.
… thought that was headed in a different direction.
I got burnt on the Alice Campbell cover - the 1:50 ended up being the trade dress cover after FOC. Tried to cancel it post-FOC but with the third strike, TFAW blocks you from preordering, and to get reinstated you need to make two ‘orders’, not preorders, and then petition for reinstatement.
Imagine a 1:50 being the trade dress cover - not even the virgin or the B&W virgin. No responsibility from TFAW to update their listing, and it wasnt updated even after the change was made known post FOC.
‘That’ was in her head, and mine
Vampirella Dracula Unholy #6 (Cover D - Hughes) (
Another cover thats clearly not a Hughes cover, but still listed as such, even though it is updated everywhere else. Hope, no one is burned on the more expensive virgin variant.
You get ‘strikes’ on covers that are swapped by the publishers? That’s kinda shady…
In TFAW’s defense, it was changed after FOC, so I was on the hook for the order, and accepted it.
Not sure if they knew of the change pre-FOC, but for sure they dont update their listings, even when we know the listings are different/changed pre- and post- FOC. See the link I posted above, the change was known pre-FOC, still not updated. The more expensive variant is not listed on TFAW, so I hope whoever preordered it realizes that its not the Hughes variant, even though its listed as one. Again, this was known pre-FOC !
Not only singling TFAW about this, had a few experiences with other online retailers. I’m trying to be more careful in cross-checking (especially the variant) covers with Previews, Lunar, Penguin, and of course, on CHU (folks here have saved me from bad orders several times now).
There is no good way to track the changes by the publishers…but I feel like its part of the business so the retailers have to make good decisions on how to handle it with their customers. I’m not sure giving out ‘strikes’ is the best way to do that…
I am OK with the issue post-FOC, can see where its not the retailers fault if the publisher changes things post-FOC. I do have an issue when things are changed by the publisher pre-FOC, and then not updated by the retailer in a timely way pre-FOC. The variants are expensive for both the retailer and the customer. For me its a big hit paying $$$ for a book that I didnt want, but I guess since these conditions were listed in the TFAW fine print, I was on the hook.
I think ‘monopoly’, ‘Alana’’ and some others have been good about sharing info here on cover, art, ratio, artists, etc. - changes that affect whether I would preorder the book. Its disappointing when you notice the change post-FOC, but yes TFAW will ding you (strike) if you cancel post-FOC, assuming they agree to cancel. Post-FOC, I agree with their policy to discourage bad customers, but grudgingly I hope they could make exceptions for the changes mentioned above. The ball is in their court though, I accept that post-FOC !
Never mind. Found answer in later post.
What’s up with TFAW and FOC?. It is last weeks books and a few that trickled over that were wrong from last week etc.?. If you don’t search a specific book on this weeks FOC and click the FOC date you get this mess of a FOC list?
Tfaw is the most frustrating site I’ve ever dealt with and they aren’t even run by the government.
Lol. Apparently you’ve never tried to navigate, much less buy, from Mile High Comics…
No way. Their pricing is a joke.
Their prices are what you could say, a mile high?
Mile High gives me flashbacks to computer class in grade school in the 1990s.