The Mandalorian season 3 (The Book of Bo-Katan)

Well, so Much for THAT rumor! I knew she had some key connection to another character though. Because Crosshair would not have used the “stun” setting…like he does on his ”brothers”…

This last episode essentially confirms this. So I’m merging my “Book of Bo-Katan” thread with this one as well as the thread title.

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Yeah…felt a bit rushed and disjointed.

But the pirates decided they wanted Navarro back (is this like the only city on the planet?) and thought it was better to destroy everything so they could live in the rubble that was left. No one has accused them of being smart pirates.

Captain Teva knows something is up, but can’t convince anyone in the disfuntional New Republic to care, or they think he’s just a wacko. Now get back to your outer rim patrols, ya looney.

How Teva knew Mando had R5-D4, and how it got the tracking device and whether Peli Motto knew this (is in cahoots with Teva?) remains to be seen…or maybe its a gaff to be explained through some series of future shows (“somehow” Palpantine returned…).

Paz Vizla has a flare for the dramatic (he’s not just some Rambo type meat head with a Gatling gun) and makes us think he’s going throw Mando under the bus, but pivots to supporting him and his idea to help the people of Navarro in the interest of moving yet again…they had already decided they were leaving anyway. I guess Vizla is tired of living in a cave. But the Armorer has other ideas. I still think she’s from Darthomir. (Those horns are real…and they’re spectacular).

Bo-Katan is quickly rising through the “ranks”…the Armorer sees the way to Mandalore through her leadership. The Armorer puts more weight on the Mythosaur being the path to leadership than wielding the Dark Sabre….where is that thing now anyway….? Oh, that other Mandalorian has it…what’s his name again? You know, the guy with the little green kid that can jump and eats just about anything. Either way…clearly the Mythosaur legend is much older and thus supersedes some cool looking sabre. Bo’s destined leadership is through a different way, in other words.

Back to The Armorer…she obviously has vision beyond just ensuring her “Children” learn the Mandalorian way…and that tribes/clans/houses of Mandalorians can co-exist….must come together…if there’s any hope for rebuilding their race to what it was eons ago. And Bo is their best shot at putting differences aside for the betterment of all. So take off your helmet and go wrangle up some more Mandalorians! (Shown not to be a big deal since she can head back to the Mines , bathe and say a few “Hail Mandalores!” and be re-redeemed at any time. Although I wonder if there’s a limit to how many dips in The pool you can take before the creed is like, “ok…you’re taking advantage of this tradition a bit too far…”). Maybe the Mythosaur is the one thing that they all believe in…and she can bring it along. It will play a role. It weighs on her shoulder…figuratively and literally!

But wait….what about that tower….er…shuttle? Where’s Moff Giddy?

Well, go back to the intro to each episode ….where the helmets of Droids and Mandos and troopers are flashed with red or blue light….have you noticed blue = good, red = bad? The past few weeks a Mandalorian helmet keeps getting flashed with a red laser…hmmmm….

Did Mandalorians attack the shuttle to bring Moff to Justice for bombing their home world….or did they come to rescue him? Or was that beskar planted to throw rebels off the scent.

And how did the rebels not know Moff didn’t make it to whatever destination he was heading to? Did I mention this new republic had some serious disfunction? I have a hard time thinking Tano was involved and captured him to get more intel on Thrawn…leaving behind some of her beskar that was gifted to her (where did that idea come from…more on that another day, I suppose).

Don’t worry, Bo is going to get to the bottom of this.

Still don’t know who the big baddie is this season…maybe next week.

Loved the “Rebels” cameo. More on the way for sure.

parting thought…do they bring the baby pterosaurs to Navarro? Doesn’t seem like a good idea to introduce them into Navarro society…Look out, kids! Duck!


I just started the season and on episode 3. My youngest who watches it with me was like “where is Mando? This episode is boaring” lol. I guess I’m not the only one who thought it was lol.

If I didn’t watch all the mando episodes of clone wars and rebels, I’d. E completely lost why they were so focused on Bo.

I still like the show…but it’s not as captivating or easy to follow as seasons 1&2.

Bad batch is still the better show this year…although it just got spun on its head with a huge cliffhanger this week.


At the end of the episode, I was starting to get this uneasy feeling the Armorer was going to tell Bo Katan to challenge Din for the Darksaber right there in front of everyone. If Bo is going to unite them all and blah blah blah…… she will need the sword.

But for now, Bo is like Blade Vampire Hunter. She walks in both worlds, lol.

She’s definitely going to challenge Din at some point this season. I thought she was going to challenge him at the end of the episode before it cut to credits.

It’s only a matter of time. She’s earned their respect and they rally behind her, the only thing missing is the Darksaber.

I still don’t understand what’s happening with Bo. It appears to me she’s going to be the big bad by the end of the season.

Bo thought it was her born right to be given the throne of Mandalore, and to unite all Mandalorians. She thought the way to that leadership was violence, ruling with power and wielding the dark Sabre. But those paths all lead to failure, and ultimately to the destruction of Mandalore.

But now she’s finding a new way. Being part of a team. Having a little faith. Letting fate choose your destiny instead of forcing it.

And the mythosaur is was the revelation to her.

She caries tremendous weight and guilt on her shoulders For her past sins. She’s learned her lessons and taken her beat downs. There’s no way she’s battling Din Djarin for a mere sword…that is not her destiny. And even if she challenged him I’d think he’d be like “I don’t want it…take it.”…so I don’t think it’d be legit regardless.

He’s already tried that. She wouldn’t take it.

She’s been given the darksaber once before (Sabine), and from what we can tell it didn’t work out well for her.

That’s what I’m saying…if she changed her mind and decided she did want it he’d be like “oh…I thought you said you didn’t want it…here you go then”.

Mando has it, but it’s a burden to him. He’s not training with it…he’s making no attempt to learn more.

I think Mando loses it in battle…maybe to Moff…and Bo-Katan is then put in a position to win it back. Maybe from Moff…who took it from her before leveling Mandalore.


Grogu. Grogu takes it.

He thought he could use it to get more food.

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Last week’s episode was a step in the right direction. It seems like the season is finally finding its footing. However, it was the fifth episode. I’m worries they don’t have enough time in 3 remaining episodes to wrap things up in a satisfying way.

You could copy and paste that opinion on most Disney Plus shows. Each show does too little early on and then too much at the end.

It’s frustrating because there was a pretty clear roadmap about where it needed to go. Instead they dicked around on Nevarro and Coruscant.

Yeah…not quite what I was expecting this season. You can practically throw the first episode out as it did nothing for the pot other than conflict and confuse.

Hopefully they find that lightning in a bottle the next 3 episodes…but you gotta think they’re going to plug/transition to the Ahsoka series with some sub plot or character cameos thrown in the mix.

I just want a quick cameo of Thrawn so I unload a couple nice graded copies of Heir to the Empire #1 before our family vacation in June.

I have a copy at CGC right now, actually. No cameo until it gets back and hopefully is graded well!

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Star Wars theory on YouTube has a pretty decent theory (no pun intended) as to why this season feels so strange. Long story short is suits got involved and made FF (Favreau and Filoni) change their trajectory.