Does anyone have any feelings about the new batman being a black man (possibly Luke Fox)? And how will this cover do with it being the only cover revealing that the new batman is a black man?
Meh. Store, with recent shipping issues, variant Whatever heat it gets won’t last too long.
I’m interested in reading it. I don’t usually bother with store variants, and am wary of Frankie’s after the stories of their shipping woes this year. Not sure if I’ll go for this cover or not.
I don’t buy shared variants anymore and this one is shared by the usual suspects
In an endless loop of late shipping which is fine. But the one that really peeves me is when a book is sold out at all partner sites and selling above the buy in and one of the more unscrupulous variant partners finds a stack of a “sold out” shared variant and puts them on eBay for cheaper. This makes people cancel their preorders with me that I’m still waiting on late shipping to send to my customers and buy them from the cheaper preorder even though it has said sold out on their website for 2 months. This has cost me $500 in cancelled preorders in the last 3 months.
i highly doubt its the only store exclusive to show his face, they just haven’t been announced yet
I always welcome someone else taking up the role of Batman. I would hope to have it be a person of color that also impacts the story in interesting ways. If they just go, “It’s a black guy under the cowl,” and tell the exact same yarns what was the point?
Agreed!! Make it more than just a black man under the mask.
It may be books coming back from grade screening that didn’t make the cut.
It that is the double edged sword of playing the spec market with store variants…if they get hot, it’s usually for a very short time frame before people a Start floddimg the markets with their flip copies, and If there are shipping delays the buyer ,ah use that as an excuse to back out and get a cheaper copy somewhere else…or go after the next shiny object.
It’s why I backed out of the store variant game…at least I’m very cautious…and usually only buy when one copy is for me, and I’ll add an extra for potential flip. But I won’t pre-sale store variants anymore.