Thor #4 (2nd)..I like it!

Which issue is getting a 3rd print?

I’m thinking I’ll like these subsequent printing covers better than the first prints…and end up keeping them while dumping the firsts For profit and to pay for the reprints…

I’ll make sets of 3 and hold for awhile. Worse case sell em later and make whatever they go for :man_shrugging:

Would thor 4 2nd print be the black winters 1st cover appearance?

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Don’t think it will be, not since Thor #5 2nd print comes out before #4 send print.

I was hoping for a better cover to issue 3. Little disappointed that it’s just the colored in sketch of issue 2.

If I hadn’t sold my sketch variant it would have made a nice pair.

Different costume. Isnt the #2 design variant the first cover apperance of “black winter/thor clone”.?

BW isn’t on Thor 5 2nd though. So Thor 4 2nd should be first cover. It comes out before variant.

Buy them all!!! I am. Except that awful 2nd print of issue 5. So disappointed.

Depends how you look at it maybe… As a cloud, yes but couldnt we argue all those past foes were Black Winter when he was playing mind tricks on Thor? :wink:

Ha. No. Just no. Ha.

I’m buying a load of them… you know when @D-Rog skips out on a book, it’s gonna end up becoming the overall winner! :wink:

Is there anything of note being rumored for Thor #6? Still time to get your orders in.

Only that we likely learn more about this Black Winter and why he looks like Thor now? That’s my only hunch so far…

So 1st appearance of Black Winter Thor? :money_mouth_face:

I have this same question about Thor 4. It seems like Thor 4 is being called the first appearance or cameo or Black Winter, however eBay listings seem to be favoring Thor 3?! Thor 3 is being sold as Cameo of Black Winter. Thor 5 is still the undisputed 1st full appearance, obviously.

Anyone know why Thor 3 is being sold as cameo of Black Winter? I just read it again and I don’t see how they come to that conclusion… it’s a fight between Thor and Beta Ray Bill.

I don’t believe BW is in 3 at all. Probably just a seller trying to take advantage of a buyer or just not knowing.

Some call Thor 2 first app/cameo of BW.

I can understand Thor 2 more than Thor 3. Thor 2 at least has black snow flakes and a black cloud hand grasping the galaxy. There there is the whole killing of the Justice League thing…

Thor 3 is just Thor and Beta Ray Bill fighting, with a little bit of Galactus tossed in for fun… but multiple sellers are selling Thor 3 as cameo of Black Winter at like $35-40 and CLEARLY people are buying it. Meanwhile Thor 4 sells for like 2x cover, but the Black Winter cloud is shown. I’m not a flipper or anything, I’m just a reader and collector but I like to keep my stuff in good condition and know what it is worth and why, I suppose lol.