Thor #4 (2nd)..I like it!

I don’t get the heat for Thor 3 either. At first it looked like just people trying to complete the run, but it’s climbed more.

Isn’t the whole series hot now? Since there are only 6 issues so far, every issue should theoretically appreciate.

Black Winter was not in issue #3. If people are claiming that, it’s just all hot air to sell books…

First appearance is Issue #2 (cameo).
Second appearance is Issue #4 (cameo)
3rd appearance is Issue #5 (first full)

1st appearance of Black Snowflake - Thor #6
Demise of Black Snowflake - Thor #6

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2, 3, and 5 are hot. 2 is first BW cameo and Strange Academy preview. 5 is BW full.

1, 4, 6 not as hot. 1 heavily printed.

But 3 is oddly high. Not much happens and Black Winter, what drove the heat for the series, isn’t in it.

You’d think issue 4 which has the BW cameo (and Fortnite appearance) would be a lot hotter then 3.

I also think people are just throwing Black Winter on the subjects for these issues cause that’s the story itself as well.

Issue #3 only makes sense if it’s just the harder to find issue from the others, perhaps people are putting sets together. We all know #2 and #3 see bigger dips from the initial issue and as popular story arcs near their end, the print runs level off and or go back up.

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There is a Fortnite appearance in the issue?