Thor #9 Spec?


1st Jason Todd Batman 357 or as Robin Batman 366/368? Or as Red Hood #635?

We can play this game all day. Cindy Moons first app was a massively printed book and didn’t have her on the cover…so that has something to do with it.

Point being lots of factors involved in what makes a book get hot. Maybe this character takes off like Cosmic Ghost Rider…maybe not. I do think think this story is interesting and am interested to see where Cates takes it. That will really determine If Thor 9 has any spec potential…today it’s just another story arc beginning.

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Seems like Thor 10 incentive covers should get hot right? They have some sweet covers with Blake on them

He’s already on the 1:25 of Thor 9 but I haven’t seen much movement…

with the helmet? I thought that was thor

Definitely Blake. Those eyes and beard. Crazy

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Yeah, that dude on the cover cray cray!

FYI, Thor #9 (regular open order covers) still available at TFAW for those that missed out, skipped over… etc.

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