Thor #9 Spec?

If you can’t find for cover or cheap, walk away from ratio variants. Just buy the regular cover A of the issue. It’s better to miss out than lose out…



How is Shadow of Thunder not a new character? Was Spider-Gwen not a new character and just another appearance of Gwen Stacy?


Excellent point. Becoming something more can be good if enough people care.

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I haven’t read the issue, but, from what I understand from this thread, Shadow of Thunder is a new name given to an old character.

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An old character gone mad is not a new character. Are we going to speculate everytime norman osborn went to ravencroft and came out that its a new character?


No, but there are examples when it turned out well. Av #684, thanos #15. Blake appears to have gained some cosmic powers. But I understand what you’re saying.


Well he will be whatever the market wants him to be just like with Immortal Hulk and any other character that had changes people liked and thought was cool

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Very true. Trick is guessing which ones

It’s Cates so people are gonna dig it a lot more than if it was Dan Slott. In Cates we trust? Mostly? lol


Spider-Gwen is a new character from a new multiverse. Different situation.

This is an old character gone mad with a new title.

I’d related it more to Immortal Hulk which did work out for Avengers 684.

Not saying anything particular about how good/bad Thor 9 will be or if it will climb like 684 did. Just pointing out that’s a better comparison.

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Yea we count Red Goblin as a new character even though it’s just Norman and Carnage

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We count Mac as Scorpion, when he gets a symbiote as Venom, and as Virus all as first appearances.

Who’s first appearance is worth more Cindy Moon’s or Silk’s?

Probably just coincidence, but I stopped at 2 LCSs, and both were sold out of Thor 9 A. Actually, one shelf copy remained, but it was seriously beat up with printer issues. My pull list copy was fine.

My LCS had stacks and stacks of every cover of Thor 9. 10 1:25 variants for $15 each. When I see that kind of inventory, I pass. CM 23 on the other hand was completely sold out.


Whose first is worth more, Kamala Khan or as Ms Marvel?

But either way that’s a different scenario as is your Symbiote examples. Those are normal people merging with a Symbiote becoming something else. The Silk one is becoming a new costumed superhero.

This is an existing character becoming darker. It’s a bit different.

And first appearance and new character are two different things. Sure Thor 9 is his first appearance as the new title, but it’s not a new character. That’s my point. And that difference does matter often.

What’s the better book, first Green Goblin or first Red Goblin? First Scorpion or first Mac as venom? The market tends to go to the first iteration of the character.

But as I said, I don’t mean this as a knock on Thor 9. I think it will be a good book. But I just don’t see it catching the full heat that a new character does.

For example look at the heat on Capt Marvel 23 Vs Thor 9 right out of the gate.

Black Winter was an example as well in this run. On release day the A was already well above cover and the 1:25 multiple times ratio. I can still get the A many places below cover for 9 and the 1:25 for just above half ratio which is very low on release day.

Thor 9 still a good book, and a awesome 1:25 cover, I would just try to temper expectations a bit.

That doesn’t seem logical. They could have ordered 10 copies of Captain Marvel knowing it doesn’t sell much and went heavy on Thor because it’s Cates on a new story arc that’s getting hyped and expected to hold and gain value.

To me there’s no Spec here. It’s an old character no one cares about breaking bad. Pick it up if you’re reading the story However it seems some are trying to pump up this dud. Hopefully not to dump a bunch of copies on a bunch of suckers.

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He will be around a lot longer than black winter he didn’t just turn emo and gain the power to take down a Midgard serpent. He is a creation of Odin not a random Human that use to be Thor.