Shirts given to the cast & crew -
Yoooooooooo…Jane looks awesome. What weapon does she have in her hand?
Looks like Mijourn? And Thor is looking very Thinderstrike-ish.
Who’s getting married?
Lots of glowy eyes!
That’s what happens when you become THE GOD OF THUNDER!
Thor 1 (2014) 9.8 more copies continue to move this evening.
Also some Thor 2 (1st full Jane Foster as Thor) have sold.
That Thor looks like hes using a mix of Nighthawk’s helmet and Beta Ray Bills colors.
You can see a glimpse of black panther on the right and they look pretty jacked
And I just sent a bunch of Thor GoT #2 to CGC three weeks ago… Won’t see them for a while.
Just give me a little glimpse of the ole God Butcher…all I need.
My wife wants a marble counter versus laminate lol
I hear that. We are looking to move and I’m sure she’ll be eyeing more than one of my spec books to do some upgrades.
Gotta tell her she needs to leave some on the table for the next spec!
I hope they make it a gritty, atleast R rated or close to it movie. The God Butcher was savage. Nice haul ! They need to show the brutal Thor !
That would be awesome but I think PG 13 is the best we will get for any Marvel film with the exception of maybe Deadpool or Wolverine…when they arrive.