Tuesday night spoiler request

Best line ever in a Spiderman book happens in ASM Blood Hunt 2

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Heir of Apocalypse has a bit of a surprise ending but not really a spec worthy thing. Return of a dead character.

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The solicitations were mostly Incorrect.

Last page of issue 3, cameo appearances of Nico Minoru (standing), Mori (bunny ears) and Natsu (eye patch).

Surge does appear in issue 4, along with another new Character (Amano) who is in the green cloak on the Momoko variant of issue 4.

Issue 5 momoko variant cover features Surge. The “Ultimate Special” variant features this universes version of the Shadow King…(Amahl Farouk).

Ooof, that art looks rough.


Did a child draw that ???


Maybe going with the “Less is more” philosophy? I have no clue…

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I challenge those who question art style with their own art work… come on, show us your own drawings! :wink:

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I agree, we know she is capable of more but I suspect she has to make concessions to hit deadlines. Doing interiors has to be much more of a grind than when she was doing covers only, even at her most prolific cover period.


I think people forget that most Manga art style is very different than the detailed American comic book style we are used to. Not all mind you but some.


Very true.

I don’t cook either…but know shitty food when taste it. :wink:


True but I know people who like food I think tastes like shit myself… :wink:

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This art style is horrendously bad. I am not buying her garage because IMO … my personal opinion … it’s garbage.


I like the art in the comic, actually. Has a minimalist manga style that is quite different from any Marvel or DC house styles. The plot has been excruciatingly slow, however.


Yup, art doesn’t bother me but I haven’t read it yet. Story is more important than art when it comes to comics for me.

For me, the most important aspect is the ability to tell a story with sequential art.
Most of these artists today are “Cover” artists that masquerade an ability to tell a story and grip the reader with “panel to panel” storytelling. The ones from yesteryear knew how to do it. Not so much today.

Don’t know if Peach can do it, but sequential art storytelling is what matters to me


It is rare for someone to be able to both write and do the art… only a few stand out. I think most should stick to what they do best.

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The beauty of art is that it’s not universally good or bad. It’s all subjective to the viewer. Someone can think a style sucks or is trash, but that doesn’t make it trash. Someone else may find it to be amazing. It’s neither. And both.