Tuesday night spoiler request

Was hoping for Smurfs Olympic Special…

Sold out at Midtown!

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Sold out at Midtown means little. It could come back in stock.

MCS has the book

I was joking, but good to know for those seriously interested in this book!

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Free Agents #1 please, interested… maybe…


Star Wars inquisitors.

Fist of Khonshu 0

Spider-Man Reign, of course.

Fist of Khonshu is just recap. Promotes a new series with the return of MarK Spectre


Free agents is really hard to spoil. It’s all new characters, warriors from different worlds living together and fighting villains. Feels like early Image. Nothing stand out but a good read.


Star Wars Inquisitors introduces the new Jedi Tensu Run but nothing super spoilery

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Marvel goes back to the Liefeld well. “Old Man Venom” just screams CABLE.

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Yeah, it’s pretty blatant. Ironically (or maybe purposely?) he seems to have Liefeld’s hair.

This is stupid that they would have OMV look like Cable. Not sure what Marvel is even doing anymore.

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Did anyone see copies of the Fist of Khonshu #0 today?

The Gist cover specifically?

No, I had one ordered at my LCS and they told me it never arrived. They double checked the order and it said delivery was supposed to be today.

None at mine.

Since so many books ship early, and the message didn’t get out until Wednesday last week…seems very unlikely this could have been fulfilled…such a short turn around.

If you look at eBay very few photos of a book in hand are listed.

Maybe they’ll show up next week.

Just an FYI guys. I am out of town this week so will not be doing spoilers. Last trip for baseball with my son before high school. If anyone has spoilers they want to share please do so.


My shop thinks they’ll show next week.

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Picked up my copy of Gist cover of the book, my LCS told me they came in late last night? All around odd.