Tuesday night spoiler request

Wasn’t terrible, possible new villain and at least four new mutants.

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No requests, so here is what is on tap

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My only request is you stay awesome!

Already done

Deadpool 5

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Spider-Woman #10. Hints one of the New Champions doesn’t make it.

Miles Morales Annual - solicitation says he meets relatives he hasn’t met before, who have secrets.


Wolverine Revenge

Deadpool 5

Thanks Tony!

Wolverine Revenge. Not much to spoil. Flash back type issue filling in an already existing storyline.

Miles Annual. He goes to Puerto Rico to see his grandmother and her sisters. One had a secret lover named Jaime that she swears she heard when Miles was invisible and saved her.


I forgot to ask about Nightwing, too. Do yo have time @Anthony ?

Sorry, already home. Try to get requests in before 3:30

Speaking of Spoilers:

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It feels like Ultimate Spider-Man is the definitive Spider-man title for the foreseeable future.


Art is good and story is good.

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I hope they do not end it anytime soon, because I fear once Hickman gets off the title things can go haywire at Marvel. ASM has been such a mess and unreadable at this point.


ASM is just plain awful. When I was a kid I could not wait for the next issue. No way it is having the same effect on people these days. Hurts everyone in the long run when a flagship book stinks.

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Yup, I’ve tried with two runs of ASM to get into it and I just can’t. It’s odd, the Spidey movies and games are fun and engaging but the comics are just crap. Save for Hickman’s USM.

Only thing good to come of Spidey that I can think of in the last several years is Hallow’s Eve. I’m very fond of the character, the design, and the books she’s been in thus far.
Otherwise…100% agree. Nothing but garbage comics…really sad.

I’ll continue to buy her first when I see it as well.

These are the 2 books that I still consistently find for cheap (cover price or less). Always pick them up when I see them.

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Very hard as a writer to maintain any flow or tone in a title when it is constantly being disrupted by crossovers. How many company-wide and Spidey-verse crossovers have woven into the current 55 issue run? 6? 8?