Tuesday night spoiler request

Fair point.

quickly looked at this weeks spiderman and for double cover what a waste of time ā€¦

Aliens vs Avengers
Void Rivals

Venom, War of the Symbiots?

Venomverse Reborn 3 (new symbioteā€¦)

Ult X-Men 6 (last page reveal new x-men?)

Incredible Hulk Annual (Introducing the master of the Mind Stone ā€“ WORLDMIND!)

Phases of Moon Knight 1 (Moon Knight of the Old Crusades )

Just Pulling stuff from my FOC articleā€¦

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Oh, and Sesame Street #1.

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Hell yes, Sesame Street has a blockbuster first appearance of a character that will rock the Street for years to come.

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looks like we have a new anti venom-boy edge
somekind of new alien symbiote for ava

Itā€™s only a matter of time before we get an Elmo/Wolverine mashup. Just donā€™t tickle himā€¦!

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Itā€™s the coolest suit they could have thought up.

Well Sesame Street was a bust, no one died like I hoped.

I will be honest, Void Rivals is hard for me, I read the issue but didnā€™t a big menace or what ever KCC said was in there.

Ult X-Men 6 no real last page reveal. I did notice the one girl is clearly Cyclops

Alien Vs Avengers is cool

Moon Knight was decent.

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Itā€™s the huge planet-like transformer thatā€™s mostly obscured in shadows. Eyes light up when Darak and Solila touch. Last few pages.

Edit: you didnā€™t see Wolverine on last page of UXM?

Not until I went back and really looked at it

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I am not sure I am going to count glowing eyes as an important first appearance.

Didnā€™t say you had to deem it important.

You said you didnā€™t see him. I was pointing you to the last few pages where heā€™s seen across multiple panels.

Anybody picking up Zero Hour 30th anniversary?

Yup 100% didnā€™t realize the eyes were him. I thought it was an aspect of the two connecting mentally.

But in my defense I donā€™t follow the book so it is hard to determine who is new and who isnā€™t, also the problem with many Star Wars books.

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Heā€™s been teased since like issue 3ā€¦ thatā€™s why I think this surprise first appearance will be important. Also, the first new Transformers character introduced in the Energon Universe.

Lots of build up to this point. And he promises to be a colossal force.

Is Wolverine in Ultimate X-Men gonna cause some excitement? First Wolverine in this new Ultimate Universe after all, right?

It could, but he isnā€™t named, and in one panel, I would say cameo at best.

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