Villain Gaming Listings

Saw my email too late; probably missed many, but found some good books ! Thanks !


If I hadn’t already bought the Star Wars Insider 210 FOC variant would have grabbed it.

Yeah that’s the sweet spot. 7 or less or about 70, the middle is just expensive because it doesn’t scale really well.

FedEx just raised their rates too, significantly. Probably about 10% increase across the board.

ah! I was wondering about the rates. thats unfortunate.
I was going to say $27 to ship 70 is pretty impressive. Sadly I saw the sale too late and there were only about 10 books I wanted and that was $20 shipping itself haha. As mentioned scaling kind of bites in that range

10 books should be $15.95 flat as those go into a flat rate FedEx box anywhere in the country. Still a little high, but its worth it as the package does not stay in the postal carrier’s hands for very long. I realize some people don’t care about how long it takes, but from a damages standpoint, we have very few and I really believe that is the reason. I’ve never had a Flat Rate box damaged, and I’ve shipped out hundreds, if not thousands of them.

60% off you would think would cover a little of your shipping cost :slight_smile: ::endsalespitch::


First off, I want to thank all of you for supporting us over the last couple of years! We have grown together, and learned a lot about the comic book industry…its benefits, and its downfalls.

As some of you may know, we started this company to offer variant packages and spec books, while promoting the importance of reading to the younger generation. It has never really been about profit, but access to the wealth of content that the publishers / distributors put out month to month.

The issues we have run into are the same as most places. Innaccurate orders, damages, cover changes, FOC issues… each of these things puts pressure on us to rework orders, which costs time, time that is irreplaceable.

We have decided to focus back on our core business model, which were the variant packages, slabs, FCBD, Halloweenfest, Special Events, spec books, and just sitting back and reading a few books ourselves.

This will be our last week offering the full preorder catalog, and we will remove the “Upcoming FOC” section from the site. On a weekly basis we will check the upcoming variants, and also receive requests to create variant packages for those of you who take advantage of this service. We will still offer the HOLD Box feature as well for books in stock, or variant package preorders.

I do apologize to those customers who are currently utilizing the preorder part of our site. However, I have heard that “Dark Dominion” ( has had good feedback in shipping and managing orders. Dark Dominion Comics

We will, of course, be holding / shipping out all current orders / preorders, so don’t worry, these are still safe and sound with us, and we will take care of them as we always have.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend all!


Thank you for the amazing run over the past year or so. I have always been very pleased with my orders.

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I’m going to miss having an online hold box.


It could come back one day, but for now I had to make a decision as my time is getting split into fractions of seconds and I feel like if I don’t work 24/7 I can’t keep up. It’s really crazy!

The good news is that the person who bought my current house coincidentally cleans and presses books, and now has over 125 books of mine to clean and then we will send off to cgc!


That’s a nice fringe benefit of selling to them!

You could always hire an employee to lighten the work load


This is true, and I’ve thought about it, but I just don’t have a good place for the employee to work…. Possibly at the farm we might have some potential there! We have a spot just for comics :slight_smile:

Sounds like you need to train them kiddos… :wink:

Yeah just need a couple more years and I will let them have at it if they want a crack. I really think this partnership with the guy who bought my house will keep a lot of great books flowing ya’lls way if you are the type that likes slabs :slight_smile:

Other than that I’ll keep the variant packages posted and will try to keep up with spec books as always!


Understand but bummed. Wife will be happy. This will cut my book buying down tremendously. The online hold box will be sorely missed. Not gonna buy 2-3 books a week and pay $10 shipping each week. Was such a great option for someone like myself. Between worki and living 30-40 minutes from a local shop it was the best way to collect.


Yeah, same here. The price of comics is its own thing, but the shipping really changes how I purchase. At this point, I would rather pay cover price and get a break on shipping; any discount just gets eaten away from shipping prices.

@faele , any idea how many of your customers or percent of weekly sales used the hold box option?

I’m curious if it’s something that brings in considerable business to make it worth the logistics to coordinate.

For me that flexibility separated you from every other online shop Out there. Even TFAW, as their shipment options are pretty rigid.

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Almost all of the customers use the hold box option. For me thats not a big deal and is pretty easy to manage. Where things go awry is the publishers changing release dates, and all of a sudden orders are split multiple ways, and then multiply that times X amount of customers preordering. I kinda knew it was going to happen, and I think we could streamline the process with some backend work, but I just don’t have the time to facilitate it.

I think the next step for the site is a complete overhaul and implementing processes we currently have into the actual design. If we could get the orders and ‘check’ that certain books are ready, instead of entire orders, that would help immensely!

We are down…not out, don’t worry :wink: Just need to regroup and find the right opportunity to kick start it back up again!


Hi Jason, definitely sad to hear that you will no longer be offering preorders. In the short time that you have done preorders, I’ve come to rely on you and your store for my preorders. It was always nice and comforting to know that once I placed the orders you would take care of everything else. It definitely made my life easier only having to worry about what books to buy and not wondering if they will show up or the condition they would show up in.

I also realize the time and effort involved, ordering and packaging books, noting conditions, requesting damages etc in running this service. I hope you reconsider offering FOC pre order books down the line when things calm down in your life and you guys are moved into your new place and are able to make this work positively for you Thank you for the service you provide and I look forward to receiving that email soon noting that you are taking preorders again! :wink:


Thanks so much! It was definitely a tough decision, and I almost did it a month or so ago but decided to stick it out… but with the move and the amount of renovation we are going to have to do to get things rolling, I don’t want our service to suffer. I’ll be here though!