Walking Dead being reprinted in color

My local shops are still trying to sell off those. :wink:

I think mine still has it too. Lol

Fixed that for ya ā€¦ :vulcan_salute:

Ditto here at one or two shops.

Heck, last time I visited Austin Books I think they were still trying to offload the Amazing Spider-Man newspaper variant with their logo on itā€¦

Ditto here at 5 or 6 shops. :joy:

Well, you know, if you hit your Gold Mine and canā€™t find another Gold Mine, then mine the crap out of the one you did find ā€¦ itā€™s the American Way ā€¦

Maybe follow up with oversize edition B&W reprints touted as Adult Coloring Books ā€¦ packed with markers or crayolas ā€¦ with blank word balloons that folks can fill in as they like ā€¦

The possibilities are endless, I tell you ā€¦ :vulcan_salute:

Honestly if Kirkman brought on Tony Moore to redo Adlards interiorsā€¦ I might consider. Mooreā€™s interiors were far superior to Adlards workā€¦

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I have to say, the topic and the new releases of these colorized versions were brought up/discussed at my local shop via a handout and their FB page.

It was met with overwhelming positive responses and requests to order when the time comes.
Different strokes for different folks and allā€¦

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Oh, Iā€™m not suggesting they wonā€™t sell ā€¦ Iā€™m positive Kirkman and the crew did a focus group or three ā€¦ Iā€™ll be ordering ā€¦

The allure of what a good colorist can do to revive what some would consider some fairly bland B&W art cannot be denied ā€¦ especially when youā€™re dealing with Zombies ā€¦

And, although the show has been waning in viewership, itā€™s still one of the top shows ā€¦ with at least 2 seasons left to go ā€¦

Iā€™ll add, if Bernie Wrightson had been invited to do some issues prior to his untimely death, then that really would have been something ā€¦ :vulcan_salute:


Image just revealed the Adlard connecting cover variants for the first 6 issues.

My feelings about this is, too soon. Most people I think are off the Walking Dead bandwagon. I know there are still some hardcore fans out there but really, the recoloring and redoing of all the issues really should have a longer gap to perhaps attract new readers who werenā€™t on board the first go round.

We just ended the comic last yearā€¦ when you want to redo the same BW story that hasnā€™t changed but itā€™s now being colored, you gotta wait 5-10 years to really capitalize on it.

If youā€™re really trying to sway the Walking Dead readers to buy multiple covers of the same book, you really gotta make the cover art pop tooā€¦ drop Adlard entirely for covers. Maybe bring Tony Moore back, who was by far the superior artist on this series since he puts a little more effort and work in the details of his art compared to Adlard.

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The show is ending in 2022 with the 11th/12th split seasons. This book was a bad idea.

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You know that season 12 end date rumor started from We Got This Covered in Feces and has been denied by Scott Gimple.


Scott Gimple needs it to go for as long as possibleā€¦ cause when it ends, heā€™ll be out of a jobā€¦ :wink:

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Donā€™t worry Gimple keeps creating new spin offs.

Actually it was announced today they are done after season 11

But yes two more spinoff shows and the movies will premiere at the end of the final 11th season.

WD is an enigma that has its own rules. Loyal fanbase. Multiple T.V. shows. Younger fans being drawn into the universe. It will be interesting to see how the colorization plays out. One can argue it has been 10+ years since the series launched so now is a better time than any. But ā€¦ one could argue there has not been enough stretch in there for comicbook fan to miss it.