Walking Dead ending

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Thereā€™s a post with pictures on E-bay showing 193 with 191ā€™s and 192ā€™s saying that itā€™s the last also. I have to assume they got the book by mistake early in order to take the picture although ā€œNO RETURNā€™sā€ is part of the listing details. I will open my boxes for you and verify it myself as soon as we get delivery tomorrow. In the meantime Iā€™m doing my best to trigger a 2nd Printing just in case.

If story and covers exist itā€™s also no big problem to launch a new Walking Dead series in a month or so with a different focus and reuse them. How many TV shows and movies are in the works now?

Its hard to beleive e the pictures that are floating around a fake. Its easier to fathom that Kirkman put out fAke covers to throw everyone off. Ebay is blowing up right now with listings starting to go for double cover. A quick search on twitter finds an ominous warning from Kirkman regarding spoilers on this double sized issue. (Which is solicited as only 32)

Hit or miss, we find out tomorow if its all true , i wont be around to open my books but im sure BJ can confirm to tomorow .

Of course, fans should know by now that Robert Kirkman can be a master of deception.

Thatā€™s from the article you just linked.

I saw enough on E-Bay to gamble a huge purchase on and advertised a Walk-In PRESALE tomorrow only at cover price plus B&B for books that should ship in over the next two deliveries after tomorrow.

Now I just have to cut my CHU time in the morning down to be able to get the door open an hour early.

Will someone post the pictures I canā€™t find em anywhere

I read it lame, I though he was passing the book to a new writer after this issue. I am happy I will never have to type Robert Kirkman again in my lifetime.

Thereā€™s one listing showing 193 beside earlier issues. Notice, he appears to have the 2nd Print of 192 in the picture also that would have been in the same box with 193.

History says 11181 sales on E-bay so I doubt heā€™s a fly by night scammer.

That was enough for me to gamble the two empty credit cards Naomi, Immortal Hulk and FCBD Umbrella Academy just paid off with a stupid high PayPal Working Capital Loan amount 44 days ago.

Hey Alanaā€¦ Who wrote that Walking Dead comic again? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Iā€™m writing The Dead Who Walk since thereā€™s now room for a zombie comic at Image.

Thereā€™s no way they donā€™t bring something back in that flavor with a fresh start and a new name. The Sheriff will be seen again!!


I got my extra in as well.

Those articles are over a year old. Anything could have changed since then or maybe he even knew he was endibg it and just didnt want to ruin it

I got my extra in as well.

Yaaayyyy!!!. I feel much better now. I was starting to feel bad for ordering too many copies.

Iā€™m buyingā€¦ wait for itā€¦ WAIT FOR ITā€¦


You know what makes me sadā€¦ Iā€™m gonna miss The Milking Cash Cow imageā€¦

RIP Kirkman Milking the Cash Cowā€¦ You did me good for the past couple of years since I created you. Yes, I created the most accurate rendition of Kirkman ever!


Nope change it to pink haired Donny Cates. Guarantee youā€™ll get to use it almost every week.

Yeah but Donny Cates gets same paycheck from Marvel so thereā€™s no milking it for him right nowā€¦

i didnt reorder to heavy on this ā€¦ i have a feeling i will see a variant cover at SDCC. That will be the one to snag for reselling.

Dont throw that Milking Cow PIcture just yet Poyo ā€¦ Now is when they will cash in with all the #193 variants and 15 year anniversary editions and remastered and yada yada yada ā€¦