Walmart Packs - 1Q22

Not all I Am Batman packs are winners. I just bought one with Dark Knights of Steel 2, Dark Detective 4, and Justice League 59 Zack Snyder variant.

Which variant ?

I found 4 total today which all look to have the B cover. Sold one for $75. Covers my expenses plus some.

If you haven’t found them, chances are your Walmart hasn’t gotten them yet. A few I only found the new books at 2 of 3 so far.


When it comes to the B variant, along with the red/pink/purple spine look for the black stripe above the UPC and near the staple. Its been the second book from the top.

I had to ask to look at these books and the clerks would not let me step aside. Watched me like a hawk.


I could tell this pack didn’t have the A cover, but what I had hoped was a B cover at third from the top turned out to be the ZSJL variant. Apparently the 1:25.

I had better luck at another location! Spotted a promising spine at second book from the top and confirmed in the parking lot:

Edited to add: Generations Forged was not the top book. It was another I Am Batman pack.

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Wondering if any copies are showing up in non-I and Batman books.

Seems like those are the ones to check if the clerk is giving you the stink eye and you just want to get out o go there…


No clerks were bothering me so I really got to inspect all the packs. I didn’t see any spines in the other combinations that looked like the A. Wasn’t sure on a couple if they were RWBY Bs or not, and didn’t buy to find out. Those spines I was unsure of were cracked pretty noticeably so whatever they are, they aren’t pristine.

Anybody know how often they restock these?

Only two I Am Batman packs at my Walmarts. Both had the same four books.

This RBXY 7 Cover A could be a really low print run.

Since the RWBY #7 book is in the Walmart packs, its NOT low print.

Wish people would stop saying that.


I was about to say the same thing about RWBY #7. It might not have ever been distributed but DC printed enough ahead of time where it likely sat in the warehouse now being shoved into these Walmart packs. I’d estimate they at least printed a couple thousand or more. DC wouldn’t print anything lower likely at the printer level for any particular title or issue.

People paying the amount these are going for are stupid! But if you got’em, sell it… sell it now while people are being stupid!

I got curious and looked up the trade for the RWBY series. The write up for it says it collects issues 1-7. So issue 7 never released-which I’m not questioning, but why did the trade collect an issue that didn’t actual release. Does that make the trade more collectible since it’s the first printing of the issue? Does anyone recall a time where something similar happened? I’m not trying to pump the trade, it just struck me as odd.

Just because the last issue wasn’t released by the distributor doesn’t mean it’s still not part of the overall story that’s included in the trade.

But consider this, now that issue 7 is being released in Walmart packs, it is essentially “released” now…

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Show me some more cover A’s. Walmart packs also had Gleason virgin exclusives. That doesn’t mean there were 2000 in Walmart packs. It means a couple were slipped in by accident. Could be the same thing with Cover A.


I think we should take a breath for a moment.

A covers almost always are ordered in larger quantities than B. Especially when the A cover is $1 cheaper, like in this case.

Unless cover B hit the press before A, for some reason, and the cancellation came through early in the printing process for A….then the likelihood of A being less than B in total printed is nearly impossible. The. The only other explanation is cover As were partially destroyed but B covers not. Also very improbably.

Given he unlikely nature of the two above scenarios, what’s left is that A covers have not been placed in the Walmart packs in the same quantity as the B’s YET.

These packs come out in waves. So there will be at least another wave of these very same books once enough are cleared from shelves. Mehta may have happened is whomever was responsible for putting RWBY #7 into packs grabbed the stack of Bs first before getting to the As (I.e., maybe the B’s were stacked on top.)

But without knowing he actual process in how it’s decided what goes into what pack and where they get the supply from, hard to say.

I believe more A’s will be coming though. Just a matter of time.


so it is a bad idea to spend thousands for a cover A?


I’m not going to tell people what to do…if you can live with the decision hats it matter?

These could dry up tomorrow and never be seen again…

Found 2 Batman packs at my Walmart and both had the RWBY cover Bs. I’m going to list one and keep the other.

If you got extra copies it might be best to keep at least a copy. There’s no accurate way to gauge how many these are printed. We just know that shops never got them and were only distributed to these Walmarts as far as we’re told. Once this current batch of walmart packs runs out the supply could dry up and never be seen again. It could very well be a ghost book that the current price of $75-100 may be undervalued. There is a following for RWBY outside of comic book collectors.

Use caution when selling these online. I’m wary of selling things that I don’t have complete information on. Just my opinion.

Here’s a question for everyone.

What do you all do with the drek from these multipacks?


I kinda want to just donate them or hand them to an LCS to put in $1 bins.

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Send them to ComicTom for his comic karma…I kid I kid :joy:

I would donate these to a library. They sometimes have book clubs for kids and these can be given away there. I would’ve loved these as a kid.