In my experience, any Marvel/DC exclusive without the numbers revealed is still the minimums (3k/1k/etc.). Shops don’t disclose them because people who don’t know how the game works think “exclusive = limited” and buy it. If they knew there were 3k, they’d probably hesitate. People who understand how they work know the numbers and just assume that’s what it is.
If an exclusive is for Image, Boom, Aftershock, etc. where MOQs are smaller and a store doesn’t disclose numbers, then they’ve printed a lot more than other stores have and don’t want people to know that and are relying on the people who know how exclusives work to assume the run is 250, 500, etc. and not the 1k+ printed. The indie titles are USUALLY marketed more toward actual collectors and spec people because mainstream Marvel movie fan is a harder sell for a new Image title than a new Spider-Man #1.
Exclusives themselves are a polarizing topic. My personal stance, having been responsible in the past for making quite a few of them, is shops should do exclusives for titles they actually like or want to support, with creators they like and want to support. Full stop. Doing exclusives as a way to make easy money and only to make money is catching a falling knife. For every Marvel or DC exclusive that sells out and makes profit, there’s 2 that don’t.
The biggest issue with exclusives in general is the rise of the online exclusive-only shops. There’s a LOT of shops that do exclusives where that’s basically their entire business model. They got used to the success, tried to increase it, and keep forcing them out and having to find questionable ways to ensure sell outs because they’re the main source of revenue. With exclusives themselves being more common and harder to sell out due to way too many reasons to list (economy being a big one), I’m not shocked at some of the gimmicks or partnerships some of those stores have come up with to make sure they sell out.
Those stores generally do exclusives and view comics as a way to make easy money, and you can usually spot which store owners think that way vs which ones actually like comics just based on who they work with, how many they do, what their ideas are, etc.
I really wish publishers would be more visible in regards to exclusives, but I understand why they also keep it all vague as much as they do. It’s easy sales for issue numbers, and for some publishers stores are paying significantly more per exclusive than they are for a regular cover. When I was working in comics I talked with a lot of the reps who handled exclusives to try and see if they would consider sharing print runs for exclusive variants to give some more transparency to fans. There were (not surprisingly) a LOT of exclusives I saw advertised as a run much smaller than what I heard had been printed or ordered for it.