We all hate store variants but

Reminds me of something…
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There have been many similar Sabrina covers too.

Apparently some store exclusive drama. Stan Yak accusing of art germ ripping off his I hate fairyland exclusive cover, even though Skottie young himself says Art Germ turned his cover in a month before Stan. I guess I see the similarities but if that counts as stealing then what about the 8 million asm 300 “thefts”. Art germ apparently had his exclusive cover canceled

Artgerms cover is better, I said what I said :person_shrugging:


And I’ll be buying neither mwahaha


It’s the same character with her legs spread out. Legs aren’t even in same position. Besides these artists can’t copyright a pose can they? Because all this stuffs been done before if a similar pose is considered stealing.


Probably were given a character description and maybe some concepts sketches for ideas?

Seems plausible to me. Likely working from similar source information.

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Bless the nobody accusing the somebody, 15minutes of fame incoming.

This discussion ended the moment Young said Artgerm submitted his a month before.


If Greg Land isn’t in jail, I guess anything is fair game.

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Let’s not forget Javan Jordan :wink:


Didn’t mattina get accused of the same thing a few years back?

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Yep - he sure did.

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Warren Louw variant


Meh, and I usually like Louws stuff

I like it. Harley chilling instead of being super wacky like always. Plus, I love coffee.

This is amazing. That Batman chilling in the back, and a more laid back Harley, great stuff.

I like the small details. The text message to Bruce, his Wonder Woman cover, etc.

Damn, I really like it but I have to go against my stance of never buying store variants.

Yeah I am on the fence about buying it. Love the cover.

Looks like Kaley Cuoco.

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