We all hate store variants but

Grabbed this, limited to 250 from Udon, copies still up for anyone who wants

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It’s cute! We just go to the Udon site?

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I really like Reiq’s cover art. He has done a few Udon books and Lady Death. Would love for him to catch the eye of DC/Marvel, his stuff needs to go more mainstream.

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I really dig Reiq too but I think because of his more ahem explicit content hes done and does marvel and dc might be hesitate to use him for art, but I’d love to be wrong and buy marvel or dc covers he does

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I love UDON. Many a time, I have come close to jumping full tilt into a Street Fighter collection because of the quality of their comics.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:


Yeah true on the more explicit content, I always thought this artworkche did would make such a cool cover

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Good grief how many variations can they milk out of this cover

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I saw that as well and looked again… then I thought a bit… then I looked again… then the Frank Miller foil I looked at.

And finally I deleted the email.

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I’m wondering about the Dark Knight Returns foil… how many times have they redone that? Or is that still 2022 stock?

Edit: Nevermind, must be 2023 stock if they have it on the front page. They’re just going to keep reprinting every year Frank is out doing conventions, huh?

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*Asm 300 has entered the chat


$30 is cheap everywhere I saw it was over $70 just laughed and moved on.

Thinking of wrapping my actual Batman 423 in a new acetate cover and then dipping the whole thing in foil, good investment strategy?


Why not chrome? Who wouldn’t want a chrome metal exclusive?

Please dont give those whatnot youtube influencers any ideas.
They put enough stuff up already to fill a waste refinement facility

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Create an acetate cover that removes that 3rd effing hand from the cover.

More like Land of my Bill.

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Amazing Spider-man #21 Lobos variant

616 Comics


I don’t hate it.


Unsure how I feel about this???