We all hate store variants but

FYI This comic is magazine size.

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and they will be easy 9.8’s and 9.9s…

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Limited to 1000 and they put 4 on ebay. What are they doing?

Shills trying to “create” demand…

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I dislike them already.


They could be testing the waters. I like both covers but I’m not buying a lot these days.

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I like the CVR, but $40 I agree it’s a pass. Has a Sailer Moon vibe to it…

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At least they did auction and not just jack the price up with a BIN price… this will tell us true demand of what people are willing to pay for it! I applaud this type of listing if they are going to list them on an “auction” site… This is why I hate eBay, most listings now are BIN, long are the days when people actually “auctioned” off their stuff.


I think that is on eBay moving to a store model to compete with Amazon. I can say I rather use BIN than auction as you saw when I got burned on a Darth Vader #3

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True but once upon a time, you can nail down a decent low auction price on items. BIN is you just basically paying market or retail prices

But that’s the chance you take when selling things… you still made profit right?

Auctions dont nab the good money like they used to…

Example. some idiot tried to flip a pre-order store variant. He didnt make ANY money

If this was shilled, it would be very noticeable…lol

Gotta sell BIN to make money nowadays


I realize that but with BIN taking over the largest % of listings, the value of these items on the “secondary market” are being set by the speculators and sellers, not a true demand of what people are willing to pay. That’s all I’m saying… BIN = False Value based on sellers price… consumers are just forced to buy most things at the set price instead of allowing actual demand set the value or price.

But then again, most people are impatient too. We now live in a world where people will sacrifice a few bucks and pay higher prices instead of trying to get a better price by bidding and hoping it stays lower. We live in a world of… "I want it now, I can’t wait… " mentality…

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I had a few auctions end weeks ago on books, fairly sought after books, that sold way under recent BIN prices. Thats why I have given up on auctions. But if you want a good deal, go for it :grinning:


Just goes to show, BIN prices are not what people are demanding them for but if there’s little to no auctions and mostly BIN, people just go that route.

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I think Auctions are for low ballers, I watch a lot of reseller videos and they always say that auctions leave money on the table

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Not the point I’m making though… auctions are measuring actual value based on demand from those willing to bid/buy on them. That’s the only point I’m making. Sure you might lose money but that’s sellers setting perhaps their expectations based on what others are setting their BIN prices, etc. In the end, if sellers are just jacking up the prices, that’s not value based on demand from consumers, that’s just sellers setting the value and hoping people buy at such value. When a seller comes in and undercuts the other sellers, some lower their own prices. This is the sellers setting the market value, not consumers. True value to me should be based on the consumers, not the sellers/retailers.

I think there is more factors than “what the buyer is willing to pay”, if a BIN sells at a higher price, there are buyers willing to pay it. I know I have bid on auctions and forgot to go back and raise bids or whatever, was willing to go higher and just forgot, even with the reminder emails. The draw for auctions is that bidders may get their pride hurt and go higher than value.

For sure. So many factors included. I just have a hard stance that auctions are reflecting a better valuation and or cost basis on the product rather than sellers setting the prices at. That’s all.

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For a new variant like this, yeah, let the market decide. It could go higher than their planned selling price. Who knows. If it is the store selling it, they have no competition for a while. Especially on pre-orders. For older, more established books, I think the market is fairly well set, with some outliers.

The reason I stopped selling on Mercari is the auctions would end well less than the value of the book on eBay and such when you did auctions. I saw an Amazing Fantasy 15 sell for way below market value on Mercari. It was painful. They got a good deal.

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