We all hate store variants but

Mercari doesn’t get as much traffic either, which is one of those “factors” we have to consider.

I do not know why I typed Mercari there, I meant eBay

I’ve seen buyers get great deals because the sellers put the item in the wrong category as well…

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I do auctions for things I want to get rid of and am willing to take less on. Things sell faster, but you won’t get rich.


Same here or just go drop off at Half Price. Don’t have time to list and sell hundreds of books that might only sell for a buck or less. Dropping off for 10-15 cents each actually saves me a shit ton of time to list, package and ship… all that adds up as more valuable to me than a few more pennies.

Not to get all morbid but if the average age between men and women in USA is still 72-78 years old, our time is short. Make the most of it, I don’t want to spend a huge amount of time sweating over comic book sales that in the end make me chump change… I got my value out of reading them.

Mercari has been quite the graveyard for me too. My wife is able to sell her ceramics on there no problem, but any of my comic book stuff just barely moves. I am having better luck with these books on eBay, even though that has been slow here and there. I even have these books on our main business account where we sell used auto parts getting a lot of traffic and the books still lag quite a bit behind.

Speaking of auctions and store variants. I sold a graded book to someone in Germany this week via eBay. This will be my first experience using the international shipping program there. Fingers crossed. I packed it to withstand a hurricane.


Once you ship it, its out of your hands. Any damages fall on Ebay. Seller takes no responsibility.

Thats the great thing about the international shipping program :grinning:


Got a book last week from the US (I am in the UK). The box was so damaged it was unbelievable.

Huge hole had been made and covered with a some company sticky labels. Dents and bends on other parts of the box too. Opened it up to find the seller had sent it with one layer of bubble wrap, and hadn’t even filled the rest of the box with newspaper or pool noodles…what a way to pack a $200 CGC SS book!

Unwrapped the book to inspect the damage and it was perfect! Not a scratch or mark on the case. It’s a miracle I tell ya!


Yup, if they lose it or it gets damaged, everyone gets their money back or as seller, you just keep it. eBay eats the costs…

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Yep! Back in the day international shipping was a pain but now I love it with eBay‘s new program.

Same. I love their international shipping. I actually like it better than domestic because less risk.

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I blame Willy Wonka.


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Haha… I blame Amazon Prime…

Comic book exclusive high republic 1 variant from 2 years ago, one of the people in charge put up a bunch of the variants for whatnot despite them being supposedly limited and sold out forever ago. Also said copies were gonna be destroyed on camera to limit the print run snd footage was never posted.


ah Mellow_Fellow_Trading, that CBSI douche bag.

Whats his name…? Topher…?


Its all about the money !!!

Here’s his listing…


each publisher has a minimum print run, always go by that and not what a store says


People were getting mad at people on here saying it would work out this way. Yet here we are and those people were right.


nah mellow fello is Ben C, topher is true comic book firsts guy


Curious on how you know that…

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